This award has been making it's way around blogland. I am thrilled to say that someone (thanks
Teri) nominated me by name - as well as the random if you are blogger, I'm awarding this.
Here are the official rules:
1. Copy the award to your site - 2. Link to the person from whom you received the award - 3. Nominate 7 other bloggers - 4. Link to those on your blog - 5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
This has been going around blogland for awhile now and I've been slow on posting this. So, I'm going to award to the following people, in no particular order:
Jessica. She is a friend in real life. We went to visit her in April and she is a lovely woman with a wicked sense of humor. She blogs about her dogs, her life in New York, and her avoidance of doing her homework.
Chan. Miss Chan blogs about her dogs, her knitting and everything else that composes her life. She's busy working and amazingly enough we have alot of the same thoughts on things. Although she doesn't sew or like vanilla - it's okay, we still like her :)
Camilla cracks me up. She has 5 children that she homeschools. Awhile ago when she couldn't find what she wanted for her crafty needs locally, she decided to mortgage her home to the hilt and without any bank loans whatsoever, she opened a fabric and yarn shop. That takes guts.
Golden Tracks or Miss Y. She is a knitter, weight watcher, and dog lover - not particularly in that order. She doesn't always blog regularly, she will often let life get in the way. When she does blog you can see the love for her dogs as well as her enjoyment of knitting.
Sue. Sue is an awesome woman. She has a passel of dogs. She is also a crafter, she knits and sews. She spends alot of her time crafting for charities, either children or dogs. You can't fault a person for that.
Leslie. I originally found Leslie's blog through another blogger who no longer blogs. She makes incredible knitted items, isn't afraid to figure out how to make what she sees in her head and share the instructions. There are times when she shares her cookie of the week. I have found a couple of very good recipes through her.
And finally I would be in big trouble if I didn't give the last award to:
The Princess. Many of you have figured out she is my daughter. So, even though it's obvious I'm biased, I think she is a lovely young woman. She knits, but mostly she is a full-time live-in Nanny. She blogs about The Littles in her life and finds creative ways to show them in their activities without showing their faces. She can be funny.
Okay - that was a nice way to get a blog post in when I didn't really have anything to say. Thanks so much to everyone who stops by and leaves comments. You have no idea what a difference it makes to my day.
Thanks for the award.....but you left me with few folks to award as in you took the only two people I know very well...you and Jess. Guess if I award the folks I really only know via Ravelry or WW it won't matter if they don't like it. LOL!
ReplyDeleteTHanks for the compliment
ben meaning to ask you...what's with the dalmation in your avatar? They have beagles,and goldens if you need to 'borrow' a breed. But a Dal??????? Beau and Lucy would be offended. Am I gonna have to go to Yahoo avatars and fix it for them??????
ReplyDeleteThanks Gaylen. I'll pass it on to some deserving people.
ReplyDeleteI am honored!! Thank you so much!
ReplyDelete......and I am happy to know that is your daughter!!
Thank you, and I must confess that I too wondered about the Dal in your avatar...
ReplyDeleteThere! I changed to a beagle are you both happy? g
ReplyDeleteI was just awarded this, and was going to pass it on to you. Dangit! Congrats, anyway!
ReplyDeleteNow I have guilt! I read your blog almost every day, but I don't comment. I probably comment on your blog as often as I write on my own, though, if that counts for anything!
ReplyDeleteJust know that even when I don't comment, I'm here reading.
Thanks mamma! And you are right! I would be pretty upset had you not passed it to me, but Now who will I pass it to?! lol
ReplyDeleteOkay but I was really just trying not to hurt anyone's feelings!!!! Next time I will name you by name and then give it to all the other random bloggers! *LOL*
ReplyDeleteYou are too kind...thanks for the nomination!
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is a lovely young woman, I'm so honored that she nominated me for this award too :)