In early March, I had quite the winning streak. You've already seen half of the spoils.
This lovely book of lacy shawl patterns was written by Jen Lucas. I've done some test knitting for Jen in the past and her designs are lovely and well written.
In Early March, Carrie had a march madness give away and I won! Jen even signed the book for me.
If you are a knitter and want to try knitting some lacy shawls - this book would be a great way to get started. The shawls are all knit with sock yarn - hem, maybe the title is a give away of that? But what that means is they are knit using bigger needles and most of them can be made with a small investment - generally one hank of sock yarn.
Hope March Madness has been good to you as well. Happy Friday.
March 29, 2013
March 27, 2013
Simplicity 1699 Remake
Okay - so I was tired and these were taken at the end of a long day. No make-up because I'd come from the dentist and really there is just no point.
This dress was made several weeks ago already and honestly, I'm not thrilled with the fit in the upper chest. That being said, it looks fine, wears well and doesn't gap. And I got tons of "you look great' yesterday as opposed to "Wow! Great dress." comments.
The fabric is the same but different as the fabric used last year in this dress. Hmmm, I even paired it with the same red cardigan, but different shoes.
This time the pattern is Simplicity 1699 and this is the second time I've made the dress. It's comfortable and easy to wear. However, as drafted the neckline is high, very high! I felt like I was going to choke - high. The neckline is from Simplicity 2648 - one of their Amazing Fit Dresses.
JB is getting so much better about taking photos. I was done after the first few, but he made me take the cardigan off so he could get shots of the back and then fixed the one side because it had static. But I can see there is still some static that he missed.
I like the belt - it encourages me to hold my stomach in and stand up straight. However, this belt is a bit too big. I need to have JB add a new hole or two. This is not a bad thing.
Anyway - this dress is comfortable and easy to wear. While it might be too casual for my new position it will get worn. I love throwing a dress on during the weekend and packing them when we go on vacation. So - it was sewing time well spent.
This dress was made several weeks ago already and honestly, I'm not thrilled with the fit in the upper chest. That being said, it looks fine, wears well and doesn't gap. And I got tons of "you look great' yesterday as opposed to "Wow! Great dress." comments.
The fabric is the same but different as the fabric used last year in this dress. Hmmm, I even paired it with the same red cardigan, but different shoes.

I like the belt - it encourages me to hold my stomach in and stand up straight. However, this belt is a bit too big. I need to have JB add a new hole or two. This is not a bad thing.
Anyway - this dress is comfortable and easy to wear. While it might be too casual for my new position it will get worn. I love throwing a dress on during the weekend and packing them when we go on vacation. So - it was sewing time well spent.
March 25, 2013
Pattern Pyramid - Take Two
Earlier this month, Kathy had a Pattern Pyramid drawing and I won! The Pattern Pyramid is the brain child of Karen from Did You Make That. The original drawing was back in June 2012. Because people keep adding patterns, the Pyramid continues.
This one is no different - Kathy added lots of patterns. There is lots of good stuff in this Pyramid.
Anyone, anywhere can enter the giveaway by posting a comment by Sunday, March 31, 2013 BUT you must have an active blog. (Reasons to become obvious.)
The winner will pick one pattern to keep for themselves, then host their own giveaway. They will randomly select a winner, post the remaining patterns to that Person . It's not necessary to add patterns to the Pyramid.
If you’re a winner, I would love it if you could make a small contribution to The Brooke. This is a charity close to the heart of Catherine, who so generously provided these patterns.
This one is no different - Kathy added lots of patterns. There is lots of good stuff in this Pyramid.
Dresses and Wardrobe Patterns. |
Tops |
Accessories |
Kids Stuff |
1970s Mens. |
Shorts |
Coats / Robes |
I added these 2 |
I am adding these 2 DKNY patterns by Vogue. I will never make them.
I know I said I was going to keep the pattern on the right, but I recently bought the pattern on the left.
Not sure if you can tell, but the dress on the far left of the left pattern,
is the same as the pattern on the right.
Now for the fine print:
So - comment and let me know if you want these and which one you think you would keep. Have fun!
March 24, 2013
It's apparently the thing to do. :\
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Edited: Okay now the link works. I'm also frustrated because I tried to take comment moderation off. I like getting emails that I've got comments and that's not happening any more. But - I'm starting a new job soon and I don't want my friends to feel ignored, but I don't have any idea that comments are being left, so.....
I'm putting comment moderation back on - but now strange word verification, just an email to me that you've commented. That way I can reply and build that relationship. Thanks for understanding. g
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Edited: Okay now the link works. I'm also frustrated because I tried to take comment moderation off. I like getting emails that I've got comments and that's not happening any more. But - I'm starting a new job soon and I don't want my friends to feel ignored, but I don't have any idea that comments are being left, so.....
I'm putting comment moderation back on - but now strange word verification, just an email to me that you've commented. That way I can reply and build that relationship. Thanks for understanding. g
March 18, 2013
Lovely Presentation
Last month, Tracey had a little give away.
She had duplicate copies of Amy Butler's Style Stitches.
A lovely book on bag making.
You'll have to take my word on it that I won the book - because look how it arrived.
I can't bring myself to unwrap this lovely little package!
Tracey wrapped the book up in 2 coordinating fat quarters of fabric.
There is a ribbon and the perfectly coordinating pink button.
She also sent along a wonderful card with a handmade fussy cut hexi on it.
Do you think she knows pink is my favorite color?
I'm thrilled with this package.
Thank you Tracey - and I have unwrapped it.
Now to find the perfect project for this amazing gift.
March 14, 2013
Dog on Thursday
apparently, I only have one dog.
Not true - I still have 2 but Abby doesn't do much but sleep.
Not that I've shown Beau do anything else lately.
10 days ago or so, I found a lump on Beau.
It was successfully removed with clean margins.
He has to wear a shirt to keep it clean and keep him to scratching while it heals.
He's taken over my loveseat - as you can tell - he uses the whole thing.
It's also Thankful Thursday, what are you thankful for today?
I'm thankful for:
*Spring*back up sewing machines*coffee*
*cake for breakfast*knitting*new babies*
*green*friends*Maroon 5*
Happy Pie Day! 3.14
March 13, 2013
Kathy Shares!
Last month - Kathy hosted a Pattern Pyramid - I played along, even though I won once, because I believe this one originated somewhere else. I don't know for sure, because I didn't follow the links back - bad me. There were 2 patterns that I really wanted in her pyramid. But go to the link on her post because I took horrible photos.
Anyway - Monday was a difficult day for me and when I got home - this lovely brown paper package was on my front porch. Look how cute it is? She stamped around my name and address. The back? Super cute! Enjoy! You bet I will.
So here's everything that was in the package. I will host a new pattern pyramid next week when I've had a chance to figure out what to add. I need to add at least one pattern, because I'm keeping 2.
Kathy - thank you! This was just the happy I needed on Monday - now, I'm off to make a new dress!
March 11, 2013
Baby Bobble
I've been busy knitting up this lovely red shawl for one of the gals that my girls went through school with. She recently (February 24, 2013) had her first baby. Jakob Travis. That's him, wrapped up in the red shawl that I made for his momma. He's a darling baby, didn't fuss, slept like a charm, and even put up with being put in the back of a giant tonka dump truck for some pictures. Sweet, sweet baby.
March 3, 2013
Ready to Cry
I love my sewing machine - I really do. I did a lot of research before deciding on this brand. But right now I'm super frustrated.
2 weeks ago, my machine stoped behaving properly. See, this is the problem with having a completely computerized sewing machine. The machine stopped recognizing where the foot was at and on this machine - I no longer have a way to manually lift or lower the foot.
I contacted a friend of mine who used to own a sewing machine shop - he's an excellent technician. He had my machine for two weeks and I made my red wool dress (you haven't seen it yet) with my back up machine. I couldn't use my specialty feet with that machine and I couldn't get a consistent seam allowance ~ I believe I'm gonna send that machine to The Princess who only does home dec stuff. Anyway. I got my machine back - Technician friend said he couldn't find anything wrong with it. And that I was doing an excellent job keeping it clean.
Well today I plugged in the embroidery unit. I have some overdue baby gifts to get done. And guess what? Yea - it's not working right. So, tomorrow I'll take it to the local dealer. But that's frustrating because they are really a Pfaff dealer and have Viking by default. You can tell just walking in - they don't like these machines, but they are the only game in town. What would you do?
Edited to Add: I took the machine to the Pfaff and Viking dealer. I told them very clearly that I wasn't happy with the way they treated Viking owners and I would take my machine elsewhere in the future if I wasn't treated well. I plugged the machine in to show them what it was doing - because it's hard to explain. The good news? I have a service contract that fixes my machine for FREE! The bad news? It will take at least 2 weeks.
2 weeks ago, my machine stoped behaving properly. See, this is the problem with having a completely computerized sewing machine. The machine stopped recognizing where the foot was at and on this machine - I no longer have a way to manually lift or lower the foot.
I contacted a friend of mine who used to own a sewing machine shop - he's an excellent technician. He had my machine for two weeks and I made my red wool dress (you haven't seen it yet) with my back up machine. I couldn't use my specialty feet with that machine and I couldn't get a consistent seam allowance ~ I believe I'm gonna send that machine to The Princess who only does home dec stuff. Anyway. I got my machine back - Technician friend said he couldn't find anything wrong with it. And that I was doing an excellent job keeping it clean.
Well today I plugged in the embroidery unit. I have some overdue baby gifts to get done. And guess what? Yea - it's not working right. So, tomorrow I'll take it to the local dealer. But that's frustrating because they are really a Pfaff dealer and have Viking by default. You can tell just walking in - they don't like these machines, but they are the only game in town. What would you do?
Edited to Add: I took the machine to the Pfaff and Viking dealer. I told them very clearly that I wasn't happy with the way they treated Viking owners and I would take my machine elsewhere in the future if I wasn't treated well. I plugged the machine in to show them what it was doing - because it's hard to explain. The good news? I have a service contract that fixes my machine for FREE! The bad news? It will take at least 2 weeks.