November 30, 2006
Playing Hookie
In my professional life, I am a Legal Assistant. Currently I work for a very small firm - 2 attorneys and an intern plus myself. The focus of our practice is criminal law - traffic and others. Not icky bad criminal stuff though.
Anyway, prior to working here - I worked for a solo attorney who practiced family law. The prior attorney has been having some issues with the local bar association and I was subpoenaed to testify on Wednesday. However, they were going faster than anticipated and he needed me to come on Tuesday. JB didn't want me driving to Seattle with the roads and weather what they were and my current boss wasn't real thrilled with me being out on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon (I also had a dental appointment scheduled). So, we said no and I testified by telephone on Tuesday.
Since I had my desk cleared for all Wednesday - I stayed home anyway! JB came home from work at 9:30 because they were really slow. The leashed up the dogs and walked to the latte stand, then came home and goofed off. I knit - he played on the computer. Then I went to the dentist, came home, fixed leftovers for dinner and knit some more. I'm hoping to finish the Clapotis for my friend Sheila tonight, get all the ladders pulled and block it. I'll be glad to have this checked off my To Do List.
November 28, 2006
Winter Wonderland
And this is Charlie. It's our living Christmas Tree from last year. This is a new tradition and while I miss having the tree in the house for a week or so, I love knowing that the tree will always be around.
If you live in the Seattle area and don't have to drive. Don't - stay home, drink cocoa and craft your little heart out. If you do have to drive - do so very carefully.
November 27, 2006
Let It Snow!!
It's snowing in my neck of the woods! It snowed for the better part of Sunday and now it's snowing again this morning. Hard little snow, but snow, notheless! It is beautiful outside and I had the briefest opportunity to stay home and play all day. Somedays it bites being responsible.
JB drove my car today - as it's front wheel drive. That left me with the Jeep. Fine! However, it was parked in the dirt on the side of the house and I was briefly stuck! I called my boss and told her I was stuck and wasn't it ironic that the others in my house who drive front-wheel drive vehicle got out just fine, but I was sliding all over.
I sat and fumed while talking to her then tried to back up one more time. That time I made it. So, here I am at work! Responsibility bites!
Over the weekend, I managed to get life back to normal. We walked the dogs on Saturday morning - it was a gloriously cold, but clear day. Then I got some crafting time. 2 things crossed off the Holiday to make list. I got all the Christmas cards written and weather permitting I'll be heading to the post office today for mailing. I even worked on the computer bag for The Musical One.
Then the power went out. JB and I played 3 games of cribbage - I won 2 and he skunked me on the 3rd! By then it was late and my eyes were tired from the candlelight and we headed to bed.
My brother headed over the pass last night thinking there would be less traffic to deal with so we are back to just our own 4 dogs :) I took a picture of Bosley and will post it tomorrow.
November 26, 2006
Feeling Better Today
Although I'm still feeling overwhelmed and like a huge failure. I know it has tons to do with the never ending rain!
I did manage to find enough dry time to take JB, my brother, Beau & Lucy for a stroll to the latte stand on Saturday. That helped my spirits immensely. Then the Princess came over and hijacked her uncle - leaving me a few hours of uninterrupted crafting time. That too helped my spirits immensely.
This morning when I got up, it was snowing! It didn't last long, it never does here. Basically I live at sea level in Washington, but it sure was nice - what a huge mood booster!!
Thank you for your comments. I'm trying to be nicer to me - I often tell myself "Don't say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to someone you love." Of course, I don't often follow this very sage advise.
I believe - that life reverts to normal today. The dogs are sleeping on their beds, JB is sleeping on the sofa while watching football. I'm fixing leftovers for dinner - even if the Brother, The Princess and The Musical One go out to dinner. Laundry is being washed and crafting is getting done.
November 25, 2006
Seasonal Depression?
I'm pretty sure this isn't the place for it - but here goes anyway.
I think I may suffer from some seasonal depression. In the general Seattle area it has done nothing but rain - hard - for days. Since daylight savings time, it's dark 80% of the time. Okay, not really, but all of my 'free time.'
Lately, I'm feeling like a huge failure. We have a division of labor in our family - JB does the outside, including all the gardening and I do the inside. Well Thursday he cleaned all the floors - made me feel horrible! It was great that the floors were clean and sparkly and that I didn't have to do it - but instead of enjoying the feeling, I took it an indication that I'm not keeping the inside clean enough. Failure
I have been killing myself working out lately and my weight is creeping up again this week. Friday, my head hurt when I woke up - it always hurts so this is nothing new. But what did I do, let the dogs out and then went back to bed - skipping my workout all together. Failure
In years past I have always had all my Christmas cards ready to mail on Saturday, because I write them all, with personal notes the day after Thanksgiving. Yesterday I didn't touch them! Failure
There is stuff on my desk at work that I can't seem to get to, no matter what I do. Come in early, leave late. It's making my crazy. Failure
I am a member of the WW Group Dog Walkers of America - I haven't walked my dogs in months! I am so not exaggating. The last time they got walked was early in September. Poor dogs, of course they still love me, but they aren't as well behaved nor as exercised as they could be. Failure
Because of this overwhelming feeling of failure I haven't been in my sewing space for days. Which just adds to the feeling of failure.
By the way, I'm a classic overacheiver, everything has to be perfect and there is very little unschedule down time in my life. Walking dogs was one means of down time. Everything I do has to be done perfectly or I shouldn't bother doing it all. Make a project half-heartedly is not okay, it's better not to do it at all! Just my take on things.
I hope I can snap out of this soon, before I completely spiral out of control.
November 23, 2006
Thankful - Thanksgiving
Today I am reminding myself of all the little things I am thankful for, including
*a husband who loves me
*both of us having good jobs that allow me indulge in somewhat expensive hobbies
*The Musical One - who can be incredibly annoying, but I wouldn't change her
*The Princess
*Beau - who loves me best!
*Lucy sticking her nose under my arm while I am trying to type
*Abigail laying at my feet
*Dudley who is the rock dog in this house
*Virtual friends and their willingness to help with sewing, knitting, crafting and dog problems.
*Family traditions that they kids (adults really) still enjoy
*Being able to actually cook the meal, having a home to do it and the finances to afford it
*That it's not raining - right now :)
I'm off to do all the early prep work that I didn't do yesterday because I wasn't feeling well.
Hope that everyone has a safe, happy, enjoyable holiday and finds sometime to do something you enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
November 22, 2006
I'm Sinking Fast!
I fear I'm getting in over my head. My sewing machine is acting up on anything other than a straight or zig-zag stitch. Of course - I can't be without it. Between now and Christmas, the following is currently on my plate:
*Green lined holiday dress - to be done for party on 12/9
*One computer bag - cut, but hardly sewn
*4 sets of stitch markers to be made
*3 kitchen sets to knit - consisting of wool felted oven mitt, 2 warshcloths and a hand towel
*2 clopotis
*sweater for JB
*2 felted handbags for family coming for Christmas
*6 aprons
*10 flower pincushions
I know there's more, but I can't think of it. This morning I ordered yarn for the second clapotis, and one of the felted purses.
I still want to get fleece to make The Musical One new fleece sweatpants - she loves them and lives in them and her old ones are gross!!
And I need to come up with some neat cool thing to stuff in the Holiday cards that are being mailed to my DWOA group.
Quick - somebody throw me a life preserver!!!
November 20, 2006
In Case You're Wondering
I ripped it! I pulled smaller needles and will start over - making it slightly smaller. I was working on 5mm needles. Next time 4mm needles :)
Weekend Recap
Friday I had a glorious day off. I got some knitting done on the gift, had lunch with a good friend, hung out with the hubby for a little bit and then had the evening to myself while hubby was gone playing poker.
Saturday was more of the same - but really I spent the entire day in the sewing room, sewing and watching movies. I got the computer bag for the Princess done and then set all that aside and made a quick apron as a hostess gift for a friend. Saturday evening we had dinner with friends and I knit while hubby and the hostess played scrabble. It was a late night and my 5:30 wake up call was early!
Sunday, after getting up at 5:30, I read for a little bit, fed the dogs then we all napped - me on the couch - them on dog beds until JB got up and made coffee around 10:30. JB and I then spent a very lazy laste morning, early afternoon. Finally I got moving - decided what we are going to eat this week and made a menu and grocery list. Since the rain had momentarily stopped, JB offered to shop with me. First stop - Costco! UGH. Then the grocery store - 2.5 hours and $300 later we are ready for the next week. Made Shepard's Pie with leftover turkey from last week for dinner, cleaned the kitchen then took my book and had a bath. I realize about 8:45 last night that I don't have enough yarn to finish the Clapotis - so now I need to decide if I want to purchase another skien or rip it. Suggestions.
I know this isn't the weekend - but this morning I worked out. I have progressed to 45 minute weight lifting video and 8# weights. Yea me! Then I got JB out the door and put dinner together - spinach enchiladas with homemade enchilada sauce. JB will round out the meal by making salsa while The Princess and I go to Weight Watchers. Yum - looking forward to dinner tonight!!
November 18, 2006
Exciting Saturday
I have a ve
ry exciting Saturday planned - how about you? It all begins with getting up with the dogs at 5:30 - after a late night of crafting.

It will start with fixing Hedgie. Hedgie is Lucy's most favorite toy in the entire world. She loves him. Her brother loves Hedgie too, but he likes to destroy Hedgie. I've tried buying them each their own hedgie - but neither will have it. So, first thing Saturday morning, Hedgie will receive some minor surgery.
Then I will continue working on the computer bags.
I have bee
n collecting apron patterns lately, and we are having dinner at a friend's house tonight. So, the plan is to whip out an apron to take to the hostess. I am trying to decide between View B on the Simplicity pattern and View C on the Butterick P
attern. Truthfully, it will depend on how much time I allow myself for this little project. I'm leaning toward the Butterick one - as really, what's the point in having an apron that doesn't cover your blouse? I like the half ones, but I think the full ones are just that much better. Thankfully, JB has to work today so I'll most of the day to my own devices again.
I will also be taking Sheila's gift to work on while everyone else plays cut-throat scrabble. I'm not the best at finding words, so I watch, stay out of the way and bring something to occupy myself.
Exciting, huh?
So it has worked out that I don't work any Fridays in November, which is gre
at - but I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to work 5 days anytime soon. Anyway - spent a lazy morning - knitting my fingers to the bone. Clapotis is taking much longer than I expected. Currently I have 5 repeats of the straight rows done. Will start the decrease rows after 10 pattern repeats - rather than the 13 called for the in pattern.
I had a fabulous lunch and a great visit with my friend. I took the unfinished scarf and showed it to her. She loved it. The great part is that it's lightweight so I can drop it in an envelope and mail it to her when it's finished. She doesn't live really far away - but we never manage to get together. Why is that?
Once I got back home, I cleaned a week's worth of dog hair off the floors and then sat down to finish my book. JB got home, we rounded up Lucy and took her to the vet for staple removal, picked up Quiznos for dinner. JB left to play poker, and I had the house to myself for the entire evening.
Did I work on Sheila's gift - no! Did I work on the computer bags that are cut and ready to go - no! I left the house - I went shopping. I went to Hancocks for a few things - which they didn't have. They weren't critical to anything I was working on, but I ended up headed to Joanns to see if they had them. This is what I came home with: Beads, magnets, those half-marble things. some plastic canvas (for the computer bags) and an apron pattern. I am thinking -- stitch markers, and a gift for my DWOA Secret Santa package.
Then I headed ov
er to Target. I picked up this movie, some scented stocking stuffers, and a couple of books for filler items in gifts that need to be shipped.
Finally my last stop before home was Barnes & Noble. I have been reading this series of books written by Laurien Berenson. When I read books in a series like this will all the same main character, I have to start at the first book and read through to the most current one - today I finished Hot Dog, but I didn't have the last 3 in paperback. I still don't, I have 2 of the three with the middle one missing!!
Once I put everything thing away - I watched Christmas with the Kranks and worked on the computer bags. Nice boring Friday evening.

November 17, 2006
I'm Not Going To Make It
but I'm not going to stop working on it either. If I had read through all the instructions and dimensions prior to getting as far as I am now, I would have made the clapotis narrower and shorter. But as it is, it will be shorter. I'm also considering making another one from Koigu for another holiday gift for one of the girls - probaby the musical one to go with her winter wool coat.
November 16, 2006
Anyway - I'm taking her to lunch and wanted to have a little something to give her. So, while at my knitting class on Tuesday night (great class by the way!) I picked up some absolutely lovely lace weight cashmere/silk yarn to make this . This is the Clapotis from the Fall 2004 Issue of the online knitting magazine Knitty.
The other color picture is how the scarf/shawl/whatever looks flat. As you can see from the schematic diagram - it is knit from one corner to the other. Last night I finished the increase rows. So, if I am reading the directions properly - I now have 144 rows of straight knitting with the intentionally dropped stitches to work on. I am keeping this on my desk and I work a row or 2 every so often throught the day. I may end up making it shorter as my friend is short - I'm also concerned about how much yarn I have left. I will not be purchasing another skein - although my friend is definately worth it - there are 400 yards per skein at $35 a pop and since I'm already thinking it may be too long - adding twice the yarn won't really help that situation any!
November 15, 2006
Great News!

Well she had to have her shots on the 3rd of November. Just a regular annual doggie exam. I asked the vet to take a look at the her little lump again. It seems in 9 months it had grown from 9mm to 15mm - so it was time to remove it. A little valium, a little local, several staples and it was gone.

Last night our vet call with the results of the biopsy of the lump! Completely begnign! Nothing! Not a smidgen of anything bad. Yea Lucy!!!!
The Computer Bags
The pattern is McCalls 4531.
I am making View A - which is the floral print sitting on the desk in the photo. I am making the longer handles from VB though. The pattern actually calls these "Business Bags." There isn't alot of cushing called for in the pattern. So, I am making the outer shell from cotton, but the lining is flannel. I have also added a layer of Warm & Natural batting to all pieces - with two layers along the bottom.

The bag for the Musical One is being made from the fabrics shown on the right. The dots are the main bag fabric with the black scroll print the bottom and handles. The orange is the flannel for the lining. This should be nice. She walked in the other night when I was interfacing the pieces and had stuff spread all over the cutting table. The comments was "nice fabric!" So, I think she'll like it.

November 13, 2006
I'm Trying
To post daily. It's amazing, isn't it, what you can accomplish in as little as 30 minutes.
This morning, I decided that I need to lift weights 3 times this week, so I did that first. I think after only 2 weeks, I'm ready to move up to 7# hand weights. After drying 4 dogs, we all then went upstairs, made coffee, cleaned up the dishes from last night (with a hubby and 22YO living at home, why am I the only one who can do this?), grabbed some leftovers to throw in JB's lunchbox (I enjoy doing this even though he's perfectly capable), ran upstairs and made the bed, got JB out the door and fed all 4 dogs. Time frame 5:45a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
After that I poured myself a cup of coffee and headed back downstairs. I pulled out the vacuum and cleaned the floors downstairs. Beau came down and went outside. I laid the dog beds back out and called the other 3 dogs down. Then I sat down at the computer, checked in with my weight watcher friends, and surfed through sewing blogs. Time frame 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
After that I moved to the sewing machine. I got 5 of the 8 handle pieces sewn for the computer bags. These are going to be so cute. I really like the way the pattern has the little pieces for the handles. The plan is to finish them tonight and get them sewn to the outer bag pieces.
November 12, 2006
So Today
My friend from ASG Elizabeth - the one with the great taste, awesome eye and incredible talent - came over. First she loved up my dogs. They loved her right back. Then we headed down into the sewing room where I put on the muslin dress and she said it looks great. Then we headed upstairs to my closet to look at clothes, formals I had made for my girls and JB's holiday 'suit.'
Finally, we headed out on a shopping trip. First (and ultimately only) stop - Hancocks. We found a couple of really great pieces of fabric. A brown with embroidered baby blue swirls - print was too big, looked busy. A really dark navy blue tonal of the same print. Like it, but didn't love it. A pretty pink brocade with gold and maroon flowers and a maroon silk that coordinated to keep the pink from being too close to my skin - wasn't enough there!
So, we headed over the home dec fabric where I found a lightweight poly with a tonal print in sage. I absolutely loved this fabric, but of course the color didn't love me and made me look washed out. So we kept looking we found the same fabric in several light colorways - none of which worked for me. Finally we found it in a bluish/greenish/grey! Bingo! Holiday dress here I come.
After picking up the dress fabric, lining, zipper, thread and a circle cutter ($19) I am now out $59. If you add in the $10 I spent on the faux fur wrap to wear with this dress, this year's holiday party outfit will cost right around $50 - not bad. I already have shoes, tights and jewelry! Yea. Now to prewash the fabric and start working my way toward a little green dress.
ASG Worked Their Magic Again
Well my ASG Group does it again! They worked their magic and I now have a muslin for a sheath dress. Tomorrow I am meeting Elizabeth and going shopping for dress fabric. Not sure what I'll end up with.
In the meantime I managed to get the computer bags cut out. Now I'm off to sew :)
Worked on a new intarsia sampler a little bit today. My joins still aren't seamless. They are flawed with larger stitches from the purl side. No matter how tight I pull those stitches, they still manage to come out a little big. Practice, practice, practice.
Dogs are outside whinning because it's cold. What will they do when I go back to work on Monday?
November 11, 2006
Sorry I've Been Playing
So, what do you think of the new look? I finally updated to the Beta Version of Blogger and have been playing with the template, colors and links. Some of my links need to be added still. And I need to figure out how to edit some of them - man everything has a learning curve!
So far, I think I'm liking it :)
Remember I told you all I was taking a knitting class? Well on Tuesday night after racing to the vet to pick-up and pay a king's ransom for a sick dog I raced off to class as JB seemed to have the dog situation
in hand. Anyway - out first class was intarsia - not at all what I thought. I was thinking it was the little blocks of knitting that go in every which way forming a sort of woven grid of knitting - but no. That is something else. That looks like this and is called interlock.
What we actually learned to do is called intarsia. It is the process of making pictures with different colors of yarn, but not carrying the yarn all over the back. The instructor is having us learn using cotton yarn because, as she said, it is the least forgiving. Isn't that nice. Mine looks not great. I was going to take a photo to prove it, but apparently my camera battery is exhausted. I know how it's feeling! I'm back into getting up at 5:30 a.m. mode, everyday of the week. I like to wake the dogs up - otherwise there are carpets to shampoo!!
Anyway - back to knitting. Once I let the dogs in this morning, I'm going to cast off the Tuesday night sample, finish weaving in all the ends and then start another one, to see if I can get the gauge as well as get rid of all the irregular stitches I seam to be coming up with every time I switch colors. I tend to have a little bit of perfectionist instincts and those big stitches are driving me crazy.
Also - currently on the needles - Cotton kitchen sets for holiday gifts. I'm making a wool felted oven mitt and hot pad along with 2 coordinated M/D warshrags and a hand towel. I have 5 sets planned and the hand towel bites!
I am also working on a light pinky/peach mohair lacey scarf. The yarn is older than dirt having been purchased when my first husband and I were stationed in England in the Air Force the Princess was 2 when we came back to the US. I'm using the zig-zag lace from the Stitch-a-Day calendar November 1. Also a holiday gift.
I would like to knit a sweater for JB, but he doesn't wear the last one I knit, or the scarf I made him for walking dogs in the bitter cold, so I'm not sure I'll bother - better to spend the knitting something that will get used.
Okay, off to let the dogs in, do a little knitting, and take a little morning nap :)
November 10, 2006
Miss Lucy is having a little lump removed today. In an effort to take my mind off of the risks I went shopping :) I stopped and JoAnns and got some pretty cotton and flannel fabrics to make both The Princess and the Musical One cases for their laptops for Christmas.
I also picked up 4 really cute dog print fabrics.
Earlier this week I cut out the muslin for the Sheath Dress - it's still in this same condition. Since the ASG Meeting is tomorrow, I guess I should get to working on it!!
Gonna go refill my water glass, check on the dogs at home and then come back and sew :)
November 7, 2006
I Remembered
did you? To vote. Now, more than ever being an educated voter is so important.
Don't forget. g
Did I mention
That I'm going to be taking a knitting class? I'm really looking forward to it. Of course, there's really only one technique that I want to learn, but I bet I can figure out how to use the rest of them. The class is on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 9:00 (which will interfer with House). The first class is intarsia; the second~continental; third~fiar isle (the one I'm really looking foward to) and the fourth class is aran.
Now, I need to figure out how to balance knitting class and homework into life :)
November 6, 2006
Still Raining
I'm so tired of being wet. I found out this weekend that all of my umbrellas are at the office, now isn't that helpful?
I got the muslin of the dress cut out last night, but then I sat down with a cup of tea and my book. No knitting, no sewing. I take that back, I did cast on for a mohair scarf for a holiday gift. I'll keep plugging away at that.
I managed to get up and get on the treadmill this morning. I did not manage to stay off the scale. I did have oatmeal with a banana for breaky and black coffee. Now it's time to get ready for work.
I promise to post photos soon - blogger allowing :)
November 5, 2006
I'm back from my week's vacation. Well actually I've been back for a week now. I'm so frustrated on many levels.
Dogs - for some unknown reason - well I'm sure I know part of the reason. My dogs are restless. They are in my face wheneven I sit down. Doesn't matter what I'm doing. They are underfoot. And twice this week I've woke up to huge puddles on the floor. I'm sure the restlessness has to do with the rain. It has been raining here for the past week - to point where people are starting to think about building an arc! They can't run and play in their yard because half of them don't like to get wet. They can't really run and play in the house because the downstairs sewing/computer/dog room is too small and upstairs has all laminate floors. They can't really run well on the floors and I'm afraid they will hurt themselves. Currently, it's not raining and it would be the perfect time to walk some of them, but everyone else in the family is still sleeping. Maybe I'll take the short dogs out by myself after I feed them.
Weight Management ~ Upon getting on the scale on Monday morning, I found I was only up 1# after vacation - not too bad. Decided Monday was the day that I get my weight management back on track. I got up before 6 so I would have time to get on the treadmill. I did, I put in 30 minutes. My treadmill has a track and I use the first 1/4 mile as a warm-up working my way from 3.2 mph to 4. I never go over 4 mph in the first 1/4 mile. For the next 2 miles I never go under 4 mph. I haven't worked out with any sort of regularity for about 4 months, so I didn't go much over 4.3 mph. I played with the incline and speed a little bit, but mostly just walked. The last 1/4 of a mile is a cool down - so 2.5 miles in just over 30 minutes. Did the same on Wednesday.
On Tuesday and Thursday I plugged in a CORE Secrets video, got out my ball and did a 20 minute workout on Tuesday and the 25 minute workout on Thursday. Again - since it's been 4 months, I have dropped down to 5# weights. I was up to 10# weights when I was working out regularly.
By Friday I woke up with a tummy ache, I had the day off, needed to do housework and some sewing. So, I took the morning fairly easy (read, skipped the treadmill). Also, I am a neurotic daily weigher. I know, I know! I'm working on it!! Anyway - by Friday I was up 3# on the week. Man was I bummed about all that. Anyway, skipped the workout but still had a healthy breakfast, drank my water, had my coffee black, ate fruit. Did just about everything right, until we went out to dinner. If you want a strong, calorie laden drink and a meal filled with high fats - Mexican is the way to go. So I only had one bailey's and coffee, however it came with whipped cream. I basically cleaned my dinner plate, it's a small consolation that I had spinach enchiladas what with eating all the beans & cheese, most of my rice, all the sauce and cheese piled on top as well helping JB empty the chip bowl!
Saturday saw me attending my local ASG Annual meeting and potluck brunch. Because I was still trying to get my clothing sewn for the challenge - I got there late. There weren't many healthy choices - although I did have fruit. I also treated myself to a pumpkin spice latte on the way home and various other favorite fattening comfort foods during the evening. At the meeting I started talking with the girls in my neighborhood group about a holiday outfit for JB's party this year. I'm thinking of making this Sheath Dress. Unfortunately, accurate measurements were in order. I haven't taken my measurements in 6 months! I was very disappointed in myself to find that my hips have expanded 4 inches (that would explain why the new brown skirt rides up!), my waist has grown by a few, the belly is much bigger - the only constant is the bust! So, with that disappointing knowledge in hand - what do I do? Right, head for the ice cream. This morning - up 5# on the week!
So - I'm going to do my best to do what I know is right for me, for my body, for mental health, and for my weight management. I didn't take 3+ years to lose this weight with Weight to gain it back within a year of reaching goal (at last WI I was still below WW goal, but way above my personal goal). So, here's the plan - starting today:
*I'm going to eat a healthy breakfast each morning which includes at least one piece of fruit - that is so important for me.
*I will do my best to get 3 servings of dairy products in, I don't like them but I understand how important they are for weight management.
*I will get back on the treadmill and the ball! I will stop giving myself slack for the backward movement in the fitness area - it will come back.
*I will not force myself to eat if I'm not hungry even if I haven't had all my fruits and veggies for the day.
*I will limit dessert to one night a week - Sundays. This includes not eating the frozen Halloween candy which I don't really even like.
*I will plan a menu and follow it.
*I will do my best to stay off the scale every morning.
*I will get my hind end back to WW meetings, before it gets any larger :)
*I will muslin the dress for the body that I have now - if the final product needs to be taken in prior to the event - that's okay because I know how to do that!!
Thanks for listening.
November 4, 2006
She did!!
I managed to get it done. Made a few changes - although I think the tabaco colored skirt would have worked better, it didn't really matter as my print was a skirt.
On Friday morning (around 10) I started cutting. I only used 1 pattern I had used before. Kwik Sew 2948 out of a brushed creamy white ribbed knit. I made a sleeveless turtleneck. That top was finished this morning.
The other 2 pieces which were cut out yesterday were Kwik Sew 2845, view B. I justed used a size medium - that's what seems to fit me with Kwik Sew. I used a pretty beige lace for the front and underline (?) it with nude swimwear lining. I used a beige knit for the back. Instead of putting a drawstring in the upper front casing - I put elastic in it.
The final piece was Textile Studios Capri Jacket. I used the shorted version and shortened it another 3 inches! I also lengthened the sleeves by 2". This was made from a raspberry boucle type knit that I got from Emma One Sock a couple of years ago.
Added to that were the brown suede skirt and the pink print Kwik Sew 3337 skirt. I wore the pink skirt, the lace top and the knit jacket to the meeting and got lots of compliments!
Photos to follow :)
November 2, 2006
Will She or Won't She?
Okay I'm back and ready to get into the swing of things. Just not sure where to start. I'm trying to decide if I can make a top, skirt and sweater jacket tomorrow on my first Friday off. Our ASG Annual Meeting, potluck, and silent auction is Saturday. This year, they have thrown a challenge to Sew an Essential Wardrobe ("SEW"). This wardrobe only consists of 5 pieces - 2 tops, 2 bottoms, and a jacket. Same basic rules apply - 1 print, everything works together. There were a few additional items - like most of the fabrics had to come from stash and all items had to be made in 2006.
I think that the brown suede skirt I recently finished works well with a print top that is mostly done. Then I have a raspberry boucle type knit for a cardigan. I have a tobacco colored linen for a gored skirt - which would leave me having to come up with one top. The gored skirt would be super simple, I think I can whip the cardigan out, no problem. It's just the last top. I'm thinking about a creamy off-white sleeveless turtleneck top. Will have to pull fabrics when I get home tonight.
Of course - here's the rest of the dilemma. I don't have to work tomorrow, but I do have to clean the house, do laundry, walk dogs, and work-out. Beau & Lucy both have vet appointments tomorrow at 3:10 - my vet's office is at least 30 minutes away on a good day. Lately we've been having rain - so not a good day, will probably take about 45 minutes to get there. Once I manage to get home with 2 large, wet dogs, who will be groggy after getting their shots - Hubby and I have to be in Mount Vernon for a play at 7. Again - on a good day this is an hour's drive. But we're talking about a rainy Friday evening!!
The meeting starts at 10 on Saturday morning - wish me luck.