Stolen from Summerset, here's a parting shot for you. He said they might work better as Eyeore ears:
August 27, 2007
Toe's Up!
August 26, 2007
Blue Dress
When I finished it last night and put in on "The Dummy" (all I can hear is Louis Armstrong's version of that song) I thought it was awful. So, when we got home from the races today, I tried it on and it's better. I was goofing off trying to get a decent picture of my face - didn't work so well, but you get the idea. I like the dress much better on me than The Dummy. This will be the last version.
For now, I'm off to shorten the last top and make a pair of capris from the same pattern. Hopefully that will be the right look.
August 24, 2007
Tag! I was it.
I slammed my poor car into park, ran and got the box, gave the dog
s a cookie (feeling bad for leaving them home again) and jumped back into the car. I was so excited that I opened the box at red lights dumping the contents into my lap - there was a new Chibi, some chocolates, one of Cara's fabulous cards, some gum, a great purple dishrag, and 2 new skeins of kitchen cotton. One variegated yellows - the other white.
One final pictures of what was left from my box after my Wednesday night knitting. There is a tiny bit of the yellow cotton left. I shared the chocolates with my table of knitting ladies on Wednesday and started my dishcloth. They kicked us out around 8:00. I wasn't sure I was going to get my cloth done. I knew I had a busy Thursday and I didn't want to hold my team up. So when I got home, I stayed up
until 11:00 p.m. (Okay - I know, but it's late for me!) finishing my super cute yellow sweater vest dishcloth. I should have taken a better photo, the sides are seed stitched, there is a cable and a center stockinette section. You then have to pick up and knit ribbing for the armholes and neckband. I made a change to the neckband by picking up a few extra stitches and then decreasing right at the "V." I'm very happy with this dishcloth - I may need to make a few for myself.
Thursday morning, instead of reading blogs, updating mine, knitting, sewing or any one of the various other things I do before work to waste time - I gathered the goodies for Holly and made a set of stitch markers. I love making these stupid things - I would love to hear from people who have received them how they work. As many sets as I've made - I don't have any!
Cass this final picture is for you. Remember how we were talking about the plastic daisy things that you use to start winding balls - well I finally found some (thanks to the magic of the Internet) and I included on in my box. The last things to go in were not photographed - that was some candy :) Happy Knitting Holly - the box was shipped on Thursday at 11:30. So - all in all, not bad. I picked the box up at 5:30 and shipped it at 11:30 the next day. I'm pleased!
In other news - I think was may have convinced one of my other blog-free friends D into starting a blog - if the name "A Bitch in Time" is available. I hope so, because it's perfect for her!
August 21, 2007
Oh How I Wish
I had been taking photos of the sock process all along. But no, and now it seems they are destined to go swimming.
As many of you know, with Camilla's guidance I have been attempting to knit two socks on a singular circular needles (it's a long one) from the toe-up. I bought some pretty self-striping sock yarn, studied the cast on instructions from Knitty and got started. I was so tense the first couple of rows that absolutely no visible progress was being made at all. I also followed along with the instructions in the On Your Toes Socks by Ann Budd in the Summer 2007 Issue of Interweave Knits.
Knowing JB and knowing that he likes a really snug sock, I added some all around ribbing around the arch. I have been trying the sock on my foot as well as his all along (this is the part I wish I had photographed). When I talked to Cami last week, she said you just knit until you reach the ankle bone. Well, finally on Sunday while knitting at the baseball game, I got far enough to figure out the heel (wasn't really that hard!) Although I don't love that just plain stockinette heel. Doesn't seem very strong to me - like JB will wear through it with one, maybe two, wearing.
Yesterday, I finished both heels, and started working in the round around again. (Hey Cami - I have a big hole where I rejoined the yarns - any suggestions?) Anyway - I had him try the sock on again last night and even though I followed all the instructions they are a little bit short. According to JB - uncomfortably short. So - swimming they will go and I will go back to sewing - something I can generally accomplish without making the same thing 15 times before I get it right!
Speaking of sewing - the blue dress is plugging right along and the top is on hold. Currently it's upstairs, so nothing will happen until it gets back downstairs. While I really enjoy sewing - I hate altering or redoing something that is finished. So, the end result of the top is debatable!
August 17, 2007
Butterick 5046
Quite frankly, I'm not loving the photos. I think the combination of the longer, fuller top and then the skinny pants really accentuates my hips (I'm not looking for compliments, rather honest opinions). Please, I swear you won't hurt my feelings if you say - Man, that outfit makes your hips look huge! I know - they are baby producing hips. So, anyway, the question then becomes - what do you wear with a top like this? Longer pants, fuller? See why I needed The Princess to get dressed this morning?
August 16, 2007
As Promised! Pictures!
Finally, this beautiful hand dyed sock yarn from
Page Wood Farm followed me home. The color is Sorbet, there is 450 yards per hank for a measly $17. Yes, handknit socks are made for love, not for how inexpensive they are!!!
The last bit of great news is that while I didn't actually do any knitting last night (I did some drinking and some ripping) most of my UFO are easily completable. The teal cotton sweater, just needs to be steamed. It also needs a little crochet or sewing action to make the picot edge behave. So - that will get done soon. The lime green sweater, needs a quick pick up cast off edging, some steaming, ruching added (everyone agreed) - finished! Again will get done soon.
The Raspberry Chocolate shell got ripped back to the armholes. The neckline looked awful. Because I was unhappy with the shell, I had set the cardigan aside. This will be a wonderful twin set when finished, but not if I don't like it. So, I'm on board with my knitting again. Have tons (currently have enough stash for 15 pairs) of socks waiting in the wings and life continues. Will be working on the blue dress tonight, while the Black Bean Stoup simmers and wait for JB to get home who will be late as one of the neighbors needs brakes yesterday! And I thought I procrastinated.
August 15, 2007
Crazy Making
That's what I'm doing to myself. Sorry about another photo-less post. Pictures tomorrow! Promise.
Tuesday evening JB decided that we had to put the hard top back on The Princess' jeep. It's currently parked at our house for the next year. So, I hung around waiting for that. It's quite the job for just the two of us to do. That top is heavy, but it is suppose to rain any day now.
After getting that done, I left him to his own devices, got my socks and sat in the sun in the front yard and knit for a half hour or so. Then I went in and cooked dinner. After dinner, when Beau wouldn't settle I went downstairs and finished up the top I was working on. It's now done - buttons, button holes everything and hanging on the double (who needs a name, but since 'she/it' doesn't have a head, so naming her is rather creepy). Anyway . . .
This morning I ironed the fabric for the blue dress and decided on the sleeve treatment to get another dose of the dark blue in the dress for an "odd" number of occurrences. Tonight is Knitting in the Garden at Great Yarns. So this morning I gathered all my unfinished knitting projects - 2 summer sweaters from last year, one just appears to need the ends woven in and the other needs to be blocked and the side seams sewn. I think I was waiting to block it before I sewed it, but I'm over that now.
The other two UFOs are the lattice and lace cardigan I worked on in Arizona this May. All the parts and pieces are done - blocking, sewing up and finishing - buttons bands, neckband, etc. And the raspberry chocolate twinset. I fell out of the love with this one because I didn't understand the instructions on the neck edge of the tank. So, when I put the neck border on - it looks like crap. Well why finish the cardigan when then tank looks crappy? So I have those pieces in the bag and I'll try to get help. Even if it means ripping and re-knitting. I am not afraid.
On top of that I have the dreaded toe up socks and the lace stole in my bag. Do you think I have enough to keep busy tonight?
August 14, 2007
Would It Surpise Any Of You . . .
to know that I managed to get groceries, put a decent meal on the table, guilt JB into vacuuming (which turned into rearranging furniture) and then watch The Closer? I did work on the Cami socks (2 socks on one super long circ, toe-up; which I am not enjoying) while watching The Closer - which was incredibly good.
I did not make it downstairs to see the treadmill, much less climb on. Or do anything even vaguely sewing related. Tonight's dinner has some oven time, which I plan on spending downstairs. A little bit each night and I can feel like I'm accomplishing something.
Carolyn - I will definitely look into online grocery shopping. I know that both Albertsons and Safeway offer it, but I've always wondered about the produce. So have never tried it. It would definitely cut down on the impulse crud buying.
Claire - I'm a horrible friend and I'm sorry. I haven't called you all weekend. Hope you had a good time with the kids - I will get over to see your new floors before Hawaii. Promise. I am glad you understand.
Claire, Camilla & Jessica - you all are right about dressing like the locals. Unfortunately, I've let myself gain back enough weight (about 15 pounds) that I'm not so sure how comfortable I'll be walking around in a swimsuit (or tank top) and sarong with my coworkers. After last year's office "retreat" to Disneyland a scrapbook was made which lives in the lobby of our office and tons of clients view it daily! On the other hand, I did pick up some cheap and cheaply made tanks at Wallyworld last weekend for wearing with print sarongs.
Tonia - obviously not a better woman than you - didn't get half the list done. Well maybe half.
Nicole - even not getting food wouldn't have been that devastating. We had enough food for dinner, it was just that JB wouldn't be able to eat today at work. I made lemon chicken with rice and snap peas. Yummy! Plus there were 4 dishes of left-overs put up so he can eat the rest of the week.
Blogless Jessica (or as I saw on another blog - BlogFree!) - anyway, you've seen my house. With the houndies running around if I don't vacuum at least once every 3 days then I have fur floors (and I don't mean the type of wood!).
Thanks so much gals for all your support. When I first started blogging I wasn't sure what I thought about it, but this sure wasn't it and I'm glad that this is what it is. You gals rock!!
August 13, 2007
I'm sure that's not spelled right, but that's exactly how I feel. Just basically out of sorts.
I still need to get in to see the doctor. I've been saying it for months - now it's time to do it. I'm exhausted. Not anemic, can't keep my eyes open exhausted, just no energy to do anything still super tired when I get up exhausted.
I have so much I want to do and so much that I have to do that I'm paralyzed and nothing is getting done. Ever feel like that? I have exactly 3 free days between now and when we go to Hawaii. I would like to get at least one of the dresses on my list made - but I can't even manage to finish the super simple top I cut out the 28th of July. Maybe tonight. I'll it needs is the binding finished.
On my To Do List for tonight:
*Have work meeting starting at 4:00 (which translates into not leaving work until almost 6).
*Stop and buy groceries on the way home (or we don't eat for the rest of the week)
*Put groceries away and start dinner
*Vacuum while dinner is cooking (nope Bonnie, I never got to it yesterday!)
*Would like to log some miles on the treadmill with my book
*put the binding on the top
*cut out the blue dress (just like the pink dress, but hopefully not so blah)
*Watch The Closer.
Since I won't even leave work until 6:00 (most likely) and The Closer starts at 9:00 anyone want to take bets on how much of that I get done?
Any you might ask why I only have 3 free days? Well this week I work 5 days and this weekend we have Mariner's tickets, so knitting time, but no sewing. The game is an afternoon game so that takes up the majority of the day.
The next week I work 4 days so I have Friday and Saturday to myself, although Saturday is poker again and I'll have to make sure the house is clean. Then on Sunday we're headed down to the horse races. Again, plenty of knitting time, but I can't really doing any sewing there! Then we leave in the morning on the 30th.
Okay - I'm off to call the hairdresser and see if I can get in to get the grey washed out of my hair before we leave! Oh, and I need to use the rest of my 'lunch hour' to plan my menu and grocery list so I know what I'm buying tonight!
August 12, 2007
Pay It Forward
It’s based on the movie with Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey in it called ‘Pay It Forward’..How many of you out there have had a chance to watch it? I love that kind of world. I originally found this on ,Linda's blog; but her comments were full. I followed the commenters for awhile and then gave up. Today, while clicking on a link over at Nicole's blog, I found it again at Grace's blog.
Pay It Forward meme
I will send a handmade gift* to the first three people who leave a comment requesting to join this Pay It Forward exchange. I don't know what that gift will be yet, but you will receive it within 365 days. The only thing you have to do in return is "pay it forward" by making a similar agreement on your journal.
My handmade specialties are sewing and knitting.
*The "gift" you send doesn't have to be handmade--choose your specs when you post it on your blog.If you want to join, leave a comment with your email addy (so I can reply -- spell out the email if you don't want it harvested), and we'll hash out details.
August 11, 2007
Thank You and P.S.
I was just reading The Princess' blog and I want to thank my readers for going over and checking her out. Nicole it means a lot to me that we have knitting and dogs in common - I feel like you are sorta 'looking out' for her. Blogless Jessica - I know how you can so relate to her feelings of being removed from home.
Cass, I know you can relate to the feelings I have with her moving - being such a great mom yourself.
Okay - it's time to get this back to a sewing/knitting blog. Today I have an ASG meeting. Last night I cast on for 2 toe up socks on one super long (40") US Size 0 circular needle. I found as I started the process that I was knitting super tight. My shoulders were up and I was forgetting to breathe! I was finally able to relax and I'm almost at the end of the toe shaping and about to start a pattern across the foot. I'm just doing a simple 2x2 rib from the Summer Issue of Interweave. I'm making socks for JB - but as Camilla says - this way I will only need to make 2 socks for a pair! I'll post pictures soon.
P.S. - Yesterday when I was in the LYS getting needles, some new sock yarn (because nothing I have already would work for JB) and a new book - I heard the strangest conversation among the woman sitting at the knitting table. They were discussing her current bladder infection (quite loudly) and telling all sorts of gorey details that I didn't need to hear. Meanwhile, I'm shopping, trying to mind my own business and feeling like some sort of really stange voyer. It was very uncomfortable for me - if not for them. So, I would just ask - please be careful what you discuss while sitting at the knitting table. ;}
August 10, 2007
Cass is Having a Contest! {and other stuff}
You should go play - it's fun and there are good prizes. See my previous post - she sends good stuff!!!
Post #222 Contest because she's running with a 2 theme - Cass wants to know what you 2 favorite blogs are, 2 favorite knitting books, and finally your 2 favorite patterns. Miss Cass is a humorous blogger - mostly laughing at herself and the antics of her family. The trials of being a vegan knitter (although I understand that's getting easier).
If you follow my links to enter her contest - please tell her I sent you (I'll get another entry - and frankly - I'm a prize whore {don't tell JB}).
In Princess news - she got lost yesterday. Her blog is funny too.
Today is my Friday off. I plan to run errands first thing and then come home and sew! No distractions, just the tv, the dogs laying around and my sewing machine. I have one top cut out and have to get working on that list of sewing to get done, especially with Maui on the horizon! Anyone know what the weather is like in Maui at the end of August?
August 9, 2007
Fun in the Mail
Next 2 skeins of Crazy Cotton in shades of brown, green and some pinks. This is wonderful yarn and feels very soft for cotton. Not sure what to do with it - but it will become something soon!
Finally, this wonderful skein of Zen Yarn Garden sock yarn in the colorway Butterscotch. If I can get out of work before the LYS closes today I plan on getting a 40" circular needle which according to Cami will let me try knitting 2 socks at the same time with a 'magic loop' method. Trust me, she will be getting tons of email and probably some cuss words directed at her, but she swears this means I'll only have to knit 2 socks to a pair - not three! If I get there tonight, then this hank will be introduced to my swift tonight as well!!
We shall see, because I'm now at the end of the "bunch of stuff" I had to blog about. For those who are interested, The Princess started a blog so we can keep track of her adventures. Go, see her, leave comments and tell her life will get better once she gets some sleep!August 7, 2007
Damn Third Socks!
As you can see - the second sock is significantly smaller than the first. So, this is what happened to the second sock. I unworked a beautiful grafted heel and then introduced the sock to the ball winder. They were fast friends.
Even though the yarn now looks like this, I couldn't bring myself to start that devious little monkey again. Instead I worked on a dishrag and my lace wrap (which has been sadly ignored for weeks!)
Happy knitting everyone - I hope you are all having more luck beating your knitting into submission than I am - ;}
August 6, 2007
The Princess Saga Continues
August 5, 2007
I'm Turning into Quite the Little Joiner!
So, I think I posted that I joined Dish Rag Tag - which officially started on August 1st. Our Team (Happy Yarn Hags) Captain Cass has the box and will be sending it off to Mia on Monday. I just hope the box doesn't arrive on my doorstep while I'm in Hawaii!
Today, I decided to join Knit 1 Tea 2. It will give me something to take my mind off The Princess being gone :{ I like knitting and I enjoy a good cup of hot tea. Wish I spent more time on my patio by the pond doing both - maybe this will encourage me to slow down and have more me time. Anyway - here are my answers to the questionnaire:
Knit 1 Tea 2 Color Swap Questionnaire
*Do you like loose tea or bags, or both – something you want to try?
I use both. Although generally I want a cuppa' right now and just drop a tea bag into a mug.
*What is your favorite kind of tea (Brand, flavor, variety, etc)?
I love the fruity flavors of tea, but my absolute all time favorite is Constant Comments Orange Pekoe - it reminds me of my Grandmother who is no longer alive.
*Favorite color in regards to tea or one you would like to try? (black, green, red, and white) (keeping in mind that this is how this swap is set up).
Black and white - I really like the lightness that white teas seem to have.
*Would you say you were a tea pot kind of person or just a hot water heater kind?JB installed an insta-hot in our kitchen, so I generally go with hot water although I have a beautiful teapot that I got as a gift when we lived in England. It has a little crack, so I rarely use it.
*What tea accessories would you like but have never purchased for yourself?
A really great tea ball for use with loose teas, or possibly one of those cute tea-for-one pot and cup sets.
*How do you prefer to be pampered? (examples: mani/pedi, bubble bath, yummy treat, etc).
Pampered? I'm the mom, I rarely do that. I guess keeping up with regular hair cuts and color treatments (I'm old and the gray insists on shinning through!!).
*If you were a kind of yarn what would you be and why? Anything by Debbie Bliss. Cashmerino! I love how soft that yarn is and the fabulous soft colors it comes in.
*If you had to knit/crochet baby booties, a fun fur scarf, or a fair isle sweater, which would you choose and why? Well I took a class last year to learn fair isle because it really interests me. I might go with the fair isle just to say that I did it, but I'm not very good at stranded knitting.
*What other event would make you skip a tea party? (A garden party? A book club meeting? A yoga class? Opening night for a new action thriller? etc?)
Theatre tickets or any type of dog event. I am a huge dog lover (have 4 hounds of my own) and spend lots of time doing stuff with them.
*What treat would you consider essential at your tea party? (Sweet? Salty? Scones? Those petite pastry trays with a couple of all sorts of things? Little crust less sandwiches?)
Hmm, I've always likes the idea of cucumber sandwiches - but really - scones. Especially is someone else makes them, I'm not much of a baker.
*When buying yarn for a project how do you choose - do you buy the one called for or do you substitute?
I generally start with the suggested yarn, touch it, fondle it, look at yardage and price and then decide if I like it. If I do, I'll go with it. If not, I know the recommendations and can substitute from there.
*What do you carry your knitting/crocheting in when on the go?
Currently, I'm carrying stuff in a huge purse in Ziploc baggies. Which is really bad because I have some fabulous knitting bags. I like bags that have pockets and areas designated for holding the necessary tools.
*Favorite movie to watch while knitting/crocheting? I love Meg Ryan, any sappy romance movie.
*Are you a traditional tea cup kind of person or a mug type of person? Do you care if they match?
I'm really more of a mug kinda gal. But I do have a wonderful tall china cup with a dog on the outside that I really enjoy using.
*Favorite childhood birthday party?
Not mine, but one we held for The Princess. It was her 10th birthday party and we did a "backwards" theme. We sent Thank You notes rather than invitations. Put the balloons all over the floor, the kids sat under the table to eat - it was a lot of fun.
*Favorite type of scone and jam?
I love pumpkin scones, they are frosted so don't need jam. If I'm going to have jam, then I like a light lemon flavor with raspberry jam.
*If you use candles, what is your favorite scent?
Vanilla. I'm really a plain and boring vanilla kinda gal.
*If you could choose 3 people to have 'tea' with, who would they be and why? (famous or not, living or dead).
Hmmmm - The Princess - to spend a little uninterrupted time with her; Camilla - because she cracks me up and I want to see if she's as funny in person; and Carolyn - because I really like her style and sewing ability and would love to meet her in person. There are many, many other friends - blog friends, dog walking friends, but you said 3.
*You've been invited to a tea party, what 'props' will you wear (formal or casual)?
Somewhere in between. I would wear either a cute skirt with a t-shirt and sandals or a dress.
*Any allergies/preferences you have or are willing to admit to?
*Anything we missed that you want your pal to know?
I don't think so. You did a great job with this questionnaire.
August 2, 2007
Etiquette Question
So, I have a question for you all and I think it involves etiquette. Some time ago I received a great box of goodies from my dear friend Jessica. Jessica is a knitter, she has 2 fabulous dogs and lives (for the time being - thanks Army) in Kansas.
Anyway - back to my question. One of the things in this box was 2 hanks of Koigu KPPPM in a fabulous red colorway. I love this yarn. However, for me, part of the joy (actually - all of it) is in the knitting. I really don't mind knitting something almost to completion and then ripping it back because there is an error or it's too big or two small - whatever. Doesn't bother me. I love the feel of the yarn moving through my fingers. The way the needles feel in my hands. The rhythmic sound the needles make as I'm knitting. Working out a pattern. Whatever - I enjoy the process.
Don't get me wrong, I love wearing a fabulous handknit. I'm still not completely sold on handknit socks, but I'm trying it again. Anyway - here's the question - finally. Would it be bad manners to make socks for Jessica out of the great Koigu that she sent? What do you all think?