August 30, 2009
Help! I Need Somebody
August 28, 2009
My Friends Have Great Taste!
August 27, 2009
What's In a Name?
Every body's doing it - it started with Sue (who saw it somewhere else) and then I saw that Golden Tracks had done it and I'm sure that Channon, Nicole, and Marjie will all do it before Dogs on Thursday is over. What is is you ask? Explaining how your dog got his/her name and what nicknames they have.
First up - Dudley. When we first got him, his name was Hamilton - but that didn't really fit him. We tried out a few names trying to see what would fit him. JB finally decided to go with his favorite actor and his favorite film - that would be Dudley Moore in Arthur. So - Dudley Arthur he is. He also gets called Eeyore - as he will sit in a corner and not look at you. He is very very patient and very shy. He doesn't like kids - but will tolerate them. He's the sheriff around here.
After JB and I had been married a few years, I thought it might be nice to have a baby. He said no and we got Abigail Jane. It was the name I wanted to give a little girl. She has exactly the same personality as our 2-legged child The Princess.
She gets called - Abby, Boo, Princess, Doodle Bug, and occasionally by the 2-legged child's name.
Our next dog was Beauregard James. JB had wanted a bloodhound and I resisted for years due to the short life span. There is a woman semi-locally who had been breeding the cr*p out of her female bloodhound. It's shameful really. Anyway - Beau was the runt and a liver.
We knew he was coming home with us and we knew what his name would be. By the way - I just love his lines in this photo.
His nicknames are Beau, Goober Boy, Stoner, Dufus Boy and Proper Dog!
Finally we have Lucy. Her name is Lucy - not Lucile and not any other variations. When we brought her home she was absolutely beautiful and there was no way we could leave her in the horrible conditions they were being bred in. She's what's known as a DunnRed and her face is all the same color. When she was a wee pup - her nose and eyes were the same color as her fur - strawberry blond. She is named for the fabulous Lucile Ball as "I love Lucy!"
She gets called, Lucy, LucyLou, Lucifur, Lulabella, "ThisWayLu" and Lu. She is a gem who will always be under you feet trying to help.
August 25, 2009
How I Spent my Summer Vacation
With kids and teachers all over blog land heading back to school it feels like Summer is over. Did you all h
ave a good time?
Remember earlier in July when I had to move furniture around for the window replacement project?
I managed to get rid of a few old projects and finish up a few. I found 3 sets of pillowcases that have been hanging around for about 7 years.
I started these when I worked for the sewing machine dealer. I must have got one set done for class and then put these aside. The embroidery on the cuffs were all finished, the bodies were cut - they just needed to be put together.
I love the fabric used for the body of the tan pillowcases. They have 2 little embroideries, connected with a satin stitch scallop.
The print pillowcases have purple embroidery on the white cuffs. For some reason they look really short. I haven't tried them on a pillow yet.

Finally the pink is a linen type fabric. The pink portion of the cuff has different decorative stitches in a pale pink thread. The white insert has a larger decorative stitch. The scallops on the edge were done with a heavy weight white cotton thread.
I'm glad to have these finished and have 3 potential gifts already done.
August 23, 2009
Bus Bag

August 20, 2009
It's a Dudley Kind of Day
That's our "old man." Dudley just turned 11. He's pretty active and fit for a dog of such advanced age - in fact most people think he's the youngest.
We had a bit of a scare last week. He went to the vet and got all his shots, then on Saturday he couldn't climb the stairs and was stiff and sore.
We gave him low doses of pain meds and anti-inflammatories. He's also the smartest dog we have - he knows when to lay low and rest. he's fine now and I'm thinking we have another 11 years with him.
August 19, 2009

Ever since Melly posted a link to rachel's disappearing 9 patch tutorial I have been possessed.
Then last month I saw one a friend had made that was stunning. Absolutely stunning. I can't stop thinking about it.
Last weekend [after taking Melly to breakfast] I bought a whole bunch of fabric to make a quilt. What in the world has happened to me?
August 17, 2009
I Might Have Bought New Shoes
Friday I had to go downtown. For those of you who have had the privilege of driving downtown with me, you know that it is not my preferred mode of transportation. So, I have been learning how to get downtown and back home on public transport.
Friday afternoon - with at least 20 minutes to kill before the bus that would whisk me north arrived, I happened to notice an Aerosoles store. I figured I'd just pop in and see what's new.
I tend not to wear black and nice brown shoes aren't that easy to find. I also tend to purchase cheap shoes and wear them to death. Consequently all my brown pumps look horrible and aren't worth repairing.
I brought 3 new pairs of brown pumps home with me. They are cute, comfortable and didn't break the bank. I was also able to eliminate 4 pairs of brown shoes from my closet, so everybody wins, right?
The Mary Jane style shoe is called Out of Controle and I can't find in on the website any longer. Just your basic pumps with three tiny little straps going across the top of the foot.
The spectator style pump is Roleplay and I'm tempted to go get them in gray too - but there's that whole "don't wear a lot of black" thing.
I also picked up a pair of brown sandals called Katapult. So - I should be able to manage walking downtown with little to no pain in my feet now.
August 13, 2009
August 11, 2009
More Granola
Due to a very unfortunate event, Miss Melly is sleeping in my guest room and driving my Jeep this week. I'm glad to be able to have a guest room and an extra vehicle to loan her.
When we got home from the airport last night, she saw the canister of granola on the counter. (I keep it there so we remember to eat it.) Melly asked about the granola which reminded JB that we still had some and this morning he finished the last batch off.
This is CoffeeYarn's granola recipe and it's super easy. Last time I didn't get clumps. This time I stirred less often during the baking and left it on cookies sheets until it was cool. Then I added raisins and dates. Pecans were the nuts of choice and I still used honey and vanilla. Yummy!
August 10, 2009
Way to Procrastinate
August 7, 2009
Finished Friday
I've fallen way behind on showing the socks that I've knit - but I have met the goal of knitting 12 pairs of socks this year from stashed or gifted yarn. In other words - yarn that I personally have not spent money purchasing during 2009. Once I reached that goal, I decided to see if I could knit 36 pairs during 2009 all using stashed or gifted yarn, with three sets of 12 - 12 pair for me; 12 pair for JB; and 12 pair that are gifted.
Taylored Test Knit socks. This is a pair of socks that I volunteered to test knit the pattern for a Ravelry Designer. I don't remember if the pattern is free or not, but the details are over at Rav.
Yarn is Pink Baby Ull that I've had in the stash for awhile. Needles were US0s, both at the same time, toe up.
Y's Ty-Dyed Summer. This yarn is so soft and just lovely to knit with. Everyone who saw them thought the yarn was a bit bright - but I'm telling you - you smile when you see them.
Pattern: Dash
Needles: 2.25mm, magic looping
Toe up, gusset heel, traditional heel flap.
Yarn: Dream in Color Smooshy, Good Luck Jade
Needles: 2.00 mm double points, worked one at a time, top down.
This pattern was fun and challenging, but easy to keep track of. The yarn was fabulous. I will say this was another test knit and I followed the pattern exactly. I was devastated when I realized these socks wouldn't fit me, so they were gifted to Miss L.
Size 7 feet and legs provided by Miss L.
In case you're wondering - to date I have knit 5 pairs for me; 4 pairs for JB; and 11 pairs have been (or will be) gifted. I have 2 pairs on needles - one for me and one for JB.
August 6, 2009
Lookie Here
August 5, 2009
This is How Much of a Dork I Am
August 4, 2009
Umbrella Stands In Action
here's a close up of it under our table. one thing to consider when you pick a pot - is will it fit under your table? that's important if the pot will be holding the umbrella that you use to provice shade while at your table.
August 3, 2009
How To Make a Really Neat Umbrella Stand
First, put the duct tape over the drain holes in the bottom of the pot. You don't want the concrete to ooze out the bottom. Because the pot we chose for this project was much taller than it needed to be to keep the umbrella upright, JB drilled drain holes in the sides of the pot.
DO NOT MIX the concrete at home with your hands. It's not good for you nor is it advised. In fact, you might actually want to wear a mask while dealing with dry concrete. You do not want to inhale the dry concrete either.
Make sure you use that duct tape and tape the bottom of the PVC - otherwise it will fill with concrete and you won't be able to stick you umbrella in the pipe.
You can sorta see that the concrete only fills this pot about halfway. We put the furniture sliders on the bottom so it would slide around on the deck easier. We could also put dirt and plant flowers around the top since it has the drain holes.
Tomorrow - I'll show you some of the "Umbrella Stands" around our yard. Enjoy.
He dumped concrete into the pot by the bucketful and then adds water. You can see he has the hose crimped in his hand so it doesn't fill the pot with too much water. I have no idea how you know how much water is enough - I guess you just do.
JB just kept dumping in concrete and bits and water until the "texture" was right. Once the concrete had started to set, he put in a piece of PVC pipe which is longer than the concrete is deep.
August 2, 2009
Cleaning House
In the process of moving and cleaning stuff for the window installation - I did a clean out of my magazines. I can't for the life of me figure out what to do with all of them and how to store them so I can easily find the information I remember seeing. I have a nice collection of Australian Stitches. I subscribe to Interweave Knits, Threads, and Burda (World of Fashion) all of which I'm keeping. However, I have a bunch of knitting magazines that I no longer have a use for and I don't want to just toss them. I'm willing to send them to live at your house if you are interested. Just comment, making sure I have a way to email you and I'll send them out - first to ask for a specific set gets it. I will only ship to the US - thank you :)