October 10, 2008

In Case You're Wondering

this is what JB will be doing while I'm gone all weekend. He has the railings up. Next he will be building in benches and a table. The table will be going into the corner shown in the first photo. The purpose will be for big potluck parties and BBQs - then there is a table for serving. The BBQ will be next to the table, with a proper patio table on the other end of the "top" deck. The deck will make more sense when the benches and decking are in and you can see photos of the entire thing. The next time my brother (the contractor) comes to visit we will be taking a window out of what is now our dining room and adding french doors to the deck. Then the dining room will get moved to the sitting room off the kitchen and the sitting room will get moved to the current dining room. clear as mud? JB was getting really frustrated with how long it's taking him to get the deck finished until I reminded him that he didn't start it until the official "end of summer" weekend, otherwise known as Labor Day. I'm pretty impressed at how much he's got done so far. Can't wait to see what it looks like when I get home on Sunday.


  1. He's doing some impressive weekend tool warrioring! Hope you have fun!

  2. Oh, I'm so jealous! Our back porch is TINY!! Can't wait to see it finished.


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