October 19, 2008

Not Very Exciting

That was my weekend in a nutshell - not very exciting. The picture? Hand knit socks bathing in the kitchen sink. Yep - that was the excitement of my weekend Well - I did muslin the same skirt pattern twice. Cut it out of fashion fabric. Somehow the side panels ended up a good 2" shorter than the front and back. With a pair of heavy tights it will still be wearable. I need to add the waistband and then it's finished. I also figured out how to work both sleeves of Big Brown at the same time (photos to follow) and am almost finished with the decreases, but then there is even knitting and increases. Needs to be finishing by the 29th.


  1. Ha! Not all weekends can - or should - be exciting. Glad you had a calm one.

  2. Well, aside from the book sale, I did nothing. Washing socks and relaxing seems good to me. How's JB doing with the deck?


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