January 31, 2008
Snow Dogs
January 30, 2008
January 29, 2008
Insanely Happy - Day 2
We had the most snow in the area where I live - measuring at 7" the kids were very happy with it and I had half of a snow day! I managed to make it to JoAnn's to get a new seam gauge and stock up on some needles. Went into the office for a couple of hours and then come home and sat on the couch with knitting and cocoa - good snow day :)
January 28, 2008
Insanely Happy
I have a very busy week ahead - or at least it was suppose to be very busy. Since we have snow.
Anyway, last week in my rush to get ready for work, I was sorta grumbling around when I happened to look up - out the skylight in my bathroom. What I saw was this nekked tree with a pre-dawn background. I stopped and just stared at it for awhile, then I went and got the camera and took a few pictures. The pictures aren't as beautiful as just looking at the tree, but it made me stop and smile.
So, this week during my busy week I plan on sharing bits and pieces of nature that I see daily and forget about, but which will bring a smile to my face if I take the time to enjoy it.
And my plan is to take a moment to enjoy it even during a very busy week. So, this week I wish you small moments out of busy-ness to enjoy the simple things that bring you pleasure.
January 27, 2008
Love/Hate Relationship
I also loving having exactly what you want without spending a ton of money. So this is how I spent my weekend. I finally talked JB into hanging the new curtain rods - I've only had them since July 2006! Then I measured the length for the living room panels. Yes, the living and dining rooms have the same curtains because you can see into one room from the other.
Whacha Think?
January 25, 2008
For Those Who Don't Sew
There were several of my knitting friends who commented that they would love to join the
Sassy Apron Swap, but they don't sew.
Well the bad news is that the Swap has closed. But here's the good news for next time. Look at how cute this 50's Inspired
Apron is. It was designed by Jordana Paige and shown on Knitty Gritty.
Look at how cute that Strawberry pocket is.
Someday I may add this to my queue over at Ravelry, but for now I'll just admire it from afar and tempt my knitty friends with it.
D - you can quit gagging now :)
January 24, 2008
We Want Ice Cream!
Well in our house the dogs eat a lot of what we eat. Their kibble is supplemented with cheese, any fruit they will eat -
with the exception of grapes & raisins.
They also eat tons of veggies - again with the exception of anything on the "do not feed" list. By supplementing their kibble with fruit and veggies, I am able to cut back on the kibble (feeding 4 dogs is expensive) and keep them trim.
Their favorite of all is ice cream. Anytime JB gets off the couch after dinner Lucy lifts her head to see where he's going. If he heads into the kitchen she very slowly leaves the living the room, but once she reaches the dining room she runs into the kitchen. Usually alerting all the dogs that treats are a comin'
Nobody gets left out of the action. Generally when JB is dishing up ice cream whoever is in the kitchen gets their own personal doggie sized scoop. Then whoever was good (usually just Abby) gets to lick the bowl.
Knit Night
From now on all my socks are going into the washer on the gentle cycle and being hung to dry :) Lesson learned!
January 23, 2008
How I Spent my Bonus Day Off
January 21, 2008
Scared to Leave the House

ever have one of those lifetimes? i don't know about you but whenever we have a 'shortage' of money or something has happened like an adult in my home quits their job i feel compelled to spend.
currently, i need to go shopping. i need a cute top and/or a cardigan to wear with the new dress. i also need some new black heels. i don't want to spend a fortune on black shoes as really brown is a predominate color in my closet ~ but a grey dress needs black shoes.
also, i saw some really cute fabric in the sales flyer and i would like to find a different fabric to line the pink jacket - but the ivory i have will work just fine.
however this fall/winter our family has had some major expenses - first a new tankless water heater because the old one died; then both beau & i had surgery; some planned for big dental expenses for both jb and me; ending with installing a new furnace. so currently i am scared to leave the house. i know that it would turn into a spending spree on things i don't need and really shouldn't afford. ( i could go shopping and buy anything i want without breaking the bank, but i just shouldn't right now)
yesterday i did some online shopping for yarn - they were having a sale, it was all sock yarn and that doesn't count as stash, right? well i loaded my cart with 5 different hand-painted colorways. man were they beautiful, i would have had some well dressed feet. thankfully i logged out without buying anything. and for now i'm going to stay my workout clothes an
d go into the basement and work with what i have!

i do not need new dishes, i don't need new dishes, i have plenty of dishes, i do not need new dishes, i have no place to put new dishes, step away from the dishes
January 20, 2008
Essentially Done.
January 19, 2008
What is it About Saturdays?
This morning started out promising. We got up on time, as JB had to be to work at 8 to work on a friend's car. We were out of the house with the big dogs pulling us up the street by 6:30ish. It was rather dark, but it was nice and quiet, peaceful actually. The local latte stand opens at 7:00 and we were making good time. In fact we had to go around the block because we were early.
Then it was back home where I fed the dogs and JB headed off to work. I then planted my hind end on the couch, where I watch sewing shows on PBS and Food Network. I spent lots of time on the phone with The Princess, some time knitting, did a few loads of laundry, bought groceries and fixed a nice dinner, including dessert.
Every Saturday it's like this. Apparently, I need Saturday to recover from the week. I really wanted to finish the Flannel Dress today, but it didn't happen. I did get to the heel flap on the Merino Lace Socks.
Tomorrow, there will be no laying about like the lazy dogs in the photo. I am hoping to walk dogs first thing in the morning. The fix breaky and head downstairs. There isn't much left to do on that dress and darn it - I want to wear it! I also want to start working on the next one.
Hope everyone is doing what brings them pleasure this long weekend.
What I Love About Crafty Blogs
Have you even noticed how the crafty and knitting blogs have contests and Swaps? I love that. I love that it encourages people to make friends ~ even if it is virtual. I love how it brings a group of people together. I love the bloggy friends I have made, I look forward to emails from blog friends and the meeting up when I can actually get to their neighborhoods.
Don't get me wrong - the sewing blogs do the same thing. You will see the same pattern being made by lots of sewers. You will see bloggers sharing fabric sites, books and pattern information. But mostly the sewers are about sewing. Which I love. My main love is garment construction.
That being said, occasionally I love making something crafty. I enjoy putting together a box of goodies for someone I have never met. I enjoy the process of shopping, making, having JB wrap, filling a box and then shipping it.
To that end, I am playing along with the Sassy Apron Swap. Ever since my cocktail party in December 2006 I have wanted a great apron. Something that would look fabulous over a cocktail dress. I made several aprons in 2006, but I didn't keep a one! If you are so inclined - click on over and play! I'm looking forward to filling another box :)

January 18, 2008
I Should Have Been Vacuuming
January 17, 2008
A Very Un-Proper Dog!
As many of you know, Beauregard James had surgery the week after I did. The timing was great because it was Winter in Washington and the dogs were able to stay in the house all day, be super warm and lazy all day long. They were very good and would go outside a couple of times a day long enough to 'take care of business,' but there really was no playing.
For a little more background - because Lucy is a goat in dog's clothing and Abby is an escape artist, the dogs do no stay in the house all day when we are at work. They have a huge dog yard which is completely fenced and escape free. They also have a 12x12 cinder block shelter built into the hillside that the shed is built on top of. Inside their shelter is 4 igloos and other bedding fit for dogs. Also in their dog yard is lots of dirt for digging, a pool in the summer and all year long there is a fountain so they have fresh water all the time. So, by no means are they thrown outside and neglected. They are well taken care of in the dog yard.
Anyway, about a week before I was scheduled to go back to work. Beau decides that he isn't going outside when it's time for me to leave the house or downstairs at bedtime. Well, when you have a dog that weighs 105# when he decides he isn't going somewhere, he pretty much isn't. A couple of time I had to put a leash on him and walk him downstairs. Once JB took him out the front door and put him in the dog yard that way. Buy the time JB got back in the house, Beau was inside and laying down again, thankfully JB had the foresight to put the gate up first.
Well that first week of work really kicked my arse! On Thursday I was tired, so I asked JB if he could get the dogs to bed by himself. He said yes, and off I went to bed about 9:30. The dogs get to stay up until the last person goes to bed. So, later I hear JB and Beau fighting about whether Beau is going downstairs or not. JB finally makes it upstairs.
He walks into the bedroom, shutting the door very forcefully, and says "Your dog is gonna die!" (Before I get hate mail, he doesn't mean it. Beau lives here, is a member of the family and nothing will ever happen to him.) When he gets into bed, I asked him if he had trouble getting Beau to go downstairs. JB says:
Tomorrow when he goes outside after dinner, he's staying outside! And he can stay outside until he can behave like a PROPER DOG! (Proper Dog was said with a British accent.) I laughed so hard.
We have now figured out how to outsmart Beau at his own game, but he is now referred to as "the Proper Dog!"
Sock Progress
January 15, 2008
Thank Goodness for WhirlyBall!
What you might ask does whirlyball have to do with sewing? Well in my life it means that JB won't be home until after the second game. For me, that means I can have scrambled eggs and a toasted cranberry bagel for dinner at 9:00 p.m.
It also means I can lock the dogs behind the gate downstairs with me, turn on mindless tv and work on the bodice of the flannel jumper until I can't take their whining because it's past their dinner time anymore.
As long as we're thanking goodness, I also need to thank goodness for The Easy Guide to Sewing Linings by Connie Long. The last time I made a fully lined dress I could not for the life of me figure out how to sew the lining in on the sewing machine.
Remember in this dress, I moved the zipper from the back seam to the side seam. So, I wanted to sew the lining into the dress entirely on the sewing machine. I didn't want to bind the armholes (that's what I did the last time). So, thanks to Connie Long, I managed to put the lining into the bodice completely with the sewing machine. Now, to sew the right side seam and the bodice is finished.
Finally, the last photo is of a film canister. JB still shoots film and I steal one empty canister every 6 years or so. I punch a little hole in the top and snap it back on. Then every time I change the needles in my machines I drop the old needle into the canister. If you're really industrious you can use the 'dead' needles to hang photos on the your walls or for sticking things up on your cork board. Anyway, I use the film canister so I'm not dropping sharp objects into the garbage for somebody to get poked with or one of the dogs to eat. Works great and now, after about 6 years, this one's finally full.