Also, while in New York I saw this beautiful sheath dress. I love it. I think it's Ann Taylor Loft but I can't find a photo on-line. I'm sure something in that stack would be suitable for this dress. But that's another thing - and this not a statement to hear "but you look great." Of course, we all do dressed! But it's how I'm dealing with how I look undressed that's the story here. I have mostly dug myself out of the depression from this past Winter/Spring. I have gone back to Weight Watchers, I am standing up for myself when it matters and I've hired a personal trainer. I don't want to use 'good' fabric for a dress that I might not be able to wear for more than a season. I wear my clothes to death - that could be because I don't make enough to replace them, but that's another topic altogether. I also know myself well enough to know that if I make the dress to fit now - I . will . not take it in when I lose weight. So, I might as well wait.
Finally - I told you the thoughts are jumbled. I got this yarn last weekend with the Cashwool I ordered. I had to throw this is the virtual shopping cart because it was half off! Ever since it arrived in my house all I can think about it knitting it. It really wants to become plain stockinette ankle socks with garter stitch heels and toes. It's even been divided by weight and wound into pretty little cakes. The problem with this - well I just started the heel flaps on the Mockery socks; I have the Malibrigo Lace that I'm working on; the chocolate raspberry twinset which is on hold until I rework the neckline on the tank; and it's charity bear knitting season for Great Yarns. Like I need another project.
Well JB and I are going to see Batman tonight. I need to get ready - I'll be sporting me new sundress and will see if I can get JB to snap a photo or two.
About the fabric - it's simple. Don't feel guilty about it...use it as a reward for losing whatever weight you want at Weight Watchers...when you've reached your goal you will make new clothes! Now say it 3x and click your heels and it will be true!!! :)