So, I was doing so well at posting most everyday and then yesterday. I'm not sure what happened.
I'm sick to death of the curtain project and frankly I'm sure you are all sick of hearing about it. Based on that ~ I've been avoiding going downstairs.
Yesterday when I got home, I did a little bit of housework. Sorted laundry and started that (like it isn't really housework). I then baked brownies, fixed left-overs for dinner and ripped out the newest socks. Just once I'd like to get it right on the first try.
We watched 3 movies on tv,
Never Been Kissed; Sleeping with the Enemy; and
Striptease. I had never seen 2 of them.
Today wasn't much different - minus the ripping and reknitting of the current knitting project. My life is feeling overwhelming right now. There is too much on my many plates and it's paralyzing me with indecision about what to do. So, outside of work this week I need to focus on one thing and do it well. Hope your weekend was refreshing ~ whatever you did.
Bleah, missing one day here and there won't hurt!! The dogs and I spent the weekend mostly alone, as the Knight was busy with fire dept. stuff.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel about the overwhelming. The only way to fix that is to say no to things. Take away some of the things from the obligation list. I had to do that - actually, my health forced me to do that, which is why I'm not your co-leader for ASG anymore. You can do the same thing. It's your choice to say no. In fact, I dare you! Say no! Just once. It really feels good. :) Get some rest too. Remember it wasn't too long ago you had major surgery. Your body is still recovering even if the doctor said you are able to work.