Since this was a long weekend and the Madrona Fiber Arts Festival wa
s being held locally. My friends D and R decided that we should take a road trip. So, we all piled into D's vehicle and those of us who weren't driving knit on the trip down. Of course, before heading down we checked out the Marketplace. I knew heading in that I was coming home with some Socks that Rock but wasn't sure what else.
I have been thinking about adding some needle felting to the blue dress that Mary sent me, but unfortunately, I didn't find any roving to do the job. Once I'm ready to work on that dress - I'll head over to Village Yarn & Tea with the dress and see if I can make something work.
Anyway - while we were wandering around the marketplace - D swears that she saw The Harlot and chatted with her for a moment, but by the time she got our attention Steph was just the back of another head walking away (we belive you D, really).
So, there is the results of my fiber shopping trip with friends - just sock yarn.
Lovely haul. I picked up some STR also. :)