September 15, 2006

Finally Friday

Yea! It's finally Friday. So, what's on my plate for the weekend? Tonight I'm planning on finishing the Santa Monica T that has been cut out for a couple of months. Won't take long to finish that puppy right up. Then I want to cut the modified version of the white skirt out of muslin and do a test run. I want to see if I managed to make it work. If not, I wore a version of Kwik Sew 3109 the other day and I thought, this would make a great white skirt, it's fun and flirty. I have made both Views B & C. I would use view B for a white skirt. Making the skirt out of eyelet and then lining it. Adding lace to the bottom of the lining. Most likely I would not leave the sides of the ruffle open, but sew the two pieces together - but you never know. On Saturday our Local ASG Chapter is hosting an event called "Couture: Let's Go To The Next Level." This is a hands-on workshop with Judy Barlup for pocket and vent techniques. I'm excited, but not sure I'm up to the task. Sunday is will be spent watching a paragliding exhibit at a local state park, then I got JB tickets to see Alan Alda speak at Third Place Books. This is a local bookstore, the same place were I was lucky enough to see the Yarn Harlot! Have a great weekend everyone.

1 comment :

  1. I have heard that Alan Alda's book is excellent! Love him!
    PS You have inspired me to clean up my craft room this weekend! :o)
    Perfect timing, with J out of town!


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