February 28, 2010
February 25, 2010
Nosy Dog!
February 24, 2010
My New View
This post is really for Channon who has requested photos of the water that I can see from my desk. They aren't great photos, but I think you'll get the idea. The first photo is from the conference room. The mountains in the background are the Olympics and they are stunning!
And finally - a dark picture taken from the fishbowl! In this one you can see the "seams" in my glass walls, the plant in the hallway (that dark thing on the left) and the portion of the wall (dark on the right) that I couldn't get rid of. But you can see that I can see right through my glass walls, through Mr. TN's glass walls out to the water.
This next shot was taken from Mr. TN's office. With the camera right up to the glass. The water is Elliot Bay.
February 23, 2010
Look! She still makes clothes!
February 22, 2010
Crafty Bits
February 18, 2010
Dogs in Jail
February 17, 2010
Wednesday Already?
We stopped at Duty Free and I spotted this cute little handbag. We will be in Mexico soon and this bag will carry everything and not get too heavy - sunglasses, wallets, passports. you know everything I have to keep track of.
I think it will also hold the necessary knitting! Horrible photos of a really cute bag that the clerk at Duty Free convinced JB that I had to have. Happy Valentine's to me!
February 10, 2010
Not Much
has been going on around these parts. I cut a hunk of my hounds tooth off and washed and dried it - didn't like the resulting fabric so this skirt will eventually be dry clean only! Umm - have I mentioned how impractical dry clean is in a house with 4 slobbery dogs?
On the knitting front the socks on the left are the January Brown Bag Sock Club Section. I'm knitting bubble wrap socks from the toe up. It's a free pattern that can be found over at Ravelry and I'm completely enamoured with it. This pair accompanied me to a Superbowl party and kept me from eating too many brownies. Thank you socks.
And I finished my "Blind Side" socks. Nothing special about these socks. Toe up, two at a time as usual. I started these socks back in November when we were on vacation as I needed something simple to work on at the movies. Foot is simple stockinette and I've lined my feet up to show where the pattern lines up. I did an afterthought heel as I like that better in self-patterning yarns. The leg is a 4x2 rib - just to help break the monotony of knitting every single stitch.
And while you can't see it here - I saw a photo of a round heel in a friend's knitting book and thought it looked cool. I totally ripped the idea off and these socks have semi-round heels. I did round decreases (just like you would on a hat - but with more rows between decrease rounds) until I had 12 stitches left and then grafted them closed. It looks interesting and is very comfortable to wear.
So - what's going on in your life?
February 5, 2010
BanaCoCo Bread
February 4, 2010
Lucy Knits?
The Musical One has been knitting a mitered square blanket as a gift for a friend who's getting ready to graduate from college this year.
She has spent the better part of the last year knitting squares. She knit them out of acrylic - but mostly because she wanted the blanket to be completely washable - this particular friend she's gifting it to is male.
On Monday she finished knitting the final square. So she came over to the house for help laying out the squares. Lucy had to come give her opinion on the layout.
Unfortunately - I didn't take photos of the final layout - so you'll just have to wait until it's finished to see it.