February 28, 2010


I did it! I have had the idea of a lace, fold-over ruffle cuffed socks playing in my head for some time. I decided to get these socks out of my head and into knit fabric as part of Ravelympics. They were started on Saturday, February 13, 2010 while we were driving to Canada. I only worked on them on my commute while the Modern Beach Glass Quilt Wrap had a chance of being finished. Once I realized only one of these projects would get finished - I set the wrap aside and concentrated on these! I love them. I'm thrilled to have finished them. They are exactly what I saw and I can't believe I figured out how to knit them. This is the 4th finished pair of socks from stash for 2010!


  1. They are VERY cute ! Congratulations

    I saw the Ravolympics just in time to consider starting a project - but knew darn well I'd never get a pair of socks finished in just 2 weeks LOL. Instead I decided that my goal would be to get the pair on the needles OFF the needles by today. I've only got a couple of rows and the bind off to do.

  2. You are so clever and the ruffle is adorable.

  3. These socks with the ruffle are adorable! Great finish, just in time to leave them behind while you enjoy some fun in the sun!

  4. the socks are gorgeous!!!

    i might finish my sock (singular, just one sock for now) tonight.

  5. They look beautiful!!! Congrats!

  6. Stunning!! I'm in awe... and eager to test knit.

  7. They are sooooo cute! And I'm so impressed you figured out the pattern yourself!


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