September 9, 2009

Some Knitting

Well this first pair of socks doesn't count toward my "use up stash yarn" goal. While JB bought the first ball of the Paton's Stretch Sock, I bought 2 more. JB wanted a pair of socks from it and we have a friend who wanted some socks. Basic, boring toe up socks. Both worked at the same time, ribbing around the arch, no-wrap short row heels and only about 1.5" tall after the ankles.

Next up - a pair I finished for The Musical One. This was an unidentified ball of sock yarn. I know from the texture while knitting it that it's most likely not a superwash wool - but is definitely wool.

Again - toe up, both at the same time, no-wrap short row heels. These are a bit taller than I usually make for her - but she likes them.


  1. i'm a beginner knitter (scarves and dishcloths). i really want to learn to knit socks this year. i even got some yarn and some double pointed needles, but when i tried to figure out how to use them ... accck!

    any tips for a beginning knitter who wants to learn to knit socks?

    how are the doggies doing? i love their pics.

  2. Hi Gaylen, how's Beau doing ?

    Love the socks especially the pattern in the 2nd pair. Those self-patterning yarns are just great. I just started sock knitting this past - got 4 pairs done now.

    How did you like working with the Paton's Stretch yarn ? I've got a couple of balls and so far I can't get a swatch I'm happy with. Do you knit loose and let the knit do its thing, or do you knit tighter than normal so the stretch in the yarn tightens up a bit ? any advice for me ?

  3. Pretty socks. Do you always make both at once? I do that with sleeves.

  4. I have pictures of my socks too, can I post them on my blog or would you like me to send them to you for your blog?

  5. Crankin' out the socks! I wish mine flew off my needles that fast. :-)

  6. Great socks! You are a sock knitting machine...

  7. Very nice! And yeah, what Chan said...


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