February 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday

 No doggies today - just a list of all the things to be thankful for.  The photos are mostly taken by JB - except when he's in them.  They were taken the Friday after Thanksgiving when we did a little covered bridge tour through the Lancaster PA area. 

~ a husband who loves me - even when I do root for a rival football team

~ daughters who crash vacations

~ doing fun things together

~ kissing bridges
 ~ beautiful architecture and lovely photos.  I want this one on my wall

~ meeting blog friends in real life

~ doggy kisses

~ friends who understand all of it and never judge ~ just love you

~ the ability to have, not taking my job, house or marriage for granted.  It's not something everyone has

~ recalling The Princesses excitement at watching the buggy go through the covered bridge

~ healthy dogs

~ crafting, creating and designing.  The ability to get it from mind to wearable

~ my health, although I often lament my size (which is average) I am healthy and my body does amazing things.

~ please share your thankfuls in the comments.


  1. Wonderful photos! I love covered bridges, but they don't exist in this area.

    It is important to reflect on our blessings and to show gratitude.

  2. Fun photos!! I hope you're starting to feel some peace about your body?

  3. I love the photos! My aunt and uncle go on trips just to see covered bridges.

  4. I am thankful to have gotten to know you, and thankful to have met you in real life!

    I have a quiet and happy life, and that's the most wonderful thing of all - something for which I'm thankful every single day.

  5. Our high school campus used to have two covered bridges over a little creek. It was so pretty. I wonder if they're still there?

  6. What a fun list of things to be thankful for! I have many blessing but the two that I am the most thankful for are 1) that my parents are both happy and in good health (mental and physical) and 2) that I have the best possible life partner who is a decent person whom I can truly respect and since I'm on a roll I'll thrown in 3) that I know how to bake awesome bread :)))

  7. Wonderful list. I'm thankful that I'm finally getting over my cold. Thankful for an understanding husband. Thankful that my 9yo still wants to cuddle with me now and then. Thankful for puppy kisses in the morning.

  8. That buggy was very exciting when it went through the bridge!! Patrick and I just found the bird's nest in his car the other day and it reminded me of all the fun times we had on that fun trip through Eastern PA.


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