October 13, 2010


Our laptop has died.
We've ordered new ones - yes 2 - his and hers.
We are waiting for them to arrive.
So, instead of blogging and surfing
I've been knitting!
Be back soon - I hope.


  1. We've been a his and hers household for YEARS. I strongly recommend it. You'll wonder how you ever did it any other way.

  2. Another his and hers household here. So. Very. Nice.

  3. His and hers is the only way to go. OI have a Mac and Rob has a PC. He's always trying to use my Mac because it's way more fun.

  4. glad the shawl arrived,

    no his and hers household here, Tom wouldn't know what to do with a computer if he tried!

  5. I'm with Grace. My dearly beloved is loud and proud about his computer illiteracy! Enjoy your knitting time.

  6. Taking a break from computers is a good thing :) Enjoy the break and can't wait to see what has your needles clicking.

    Certain things are not meant to be shared and a computer is one - LOL

  7. I'm hoping to one day be a his and hers household. Just when he borrows it, I want on it...LOL

  8. Enjoy your time away from the interwebs. I am sure your knitting is happy to spend more time with you. Sorry about the untimely demise of the laptop.

  9. One computer household here, but would be nice to have a laptop instead of desktop to be able to use wherever! In the meantime looking forward to seeing your knitting projects!

  10. Hope they get there soon.
    His and hers is the only way to go - if we only had one, hubby'd never get to use it ! Blogs and sewing sites keep mine well occupied LOL

  11. So sorry, but I cannot relate, We have one tv, one computer, and one bathroom. It's just the two of us now. A bit easier since the kids moved away!

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