
Is It Even Possible?

Okay - so no two ways about it - I'm a triangle, pear, whatever you want to call it. Yes, I have wide shoulders and they help balance the hips a bit, but the truth is, I'm bottom heavy. Not only do I have hips, but I have a tushy too! So here's the question. I desperately want a pencil skirt. I don't know why. I can't even begin to explain it. But I do. But maybe it isn't a great silhouette for me. Actually, truth be told, I do know why. It "feels" like a far more professional look and that's what I'd like to have a look that feels more professional. Am I over thinking it? Does it really matter if I'm not interviewing for a new job? Talk to me girls, because the recent failures are enough to make me list my machine and sewing stash on ebay. The last several garments I have made don't fit well. The houndstooth skirt up to? It's okay. Granted the photos were taken at the end of the day, but still - it could be better. There is too much room in the waist and even through the hips. The border print dress is enough too big through the bust to be uncomfortable. Truthfully, I probably won't wear it again - such a waist - it's so cute! Even the bra I made doesn't fit right! Seriously - talk to me - don't hold anything back. I'm a big girl - tell me if I should just give up on the idea of having a straight/pencil skirt in my wardrobe and continue making Kwik Sew 3337 as it obviously fits. FYI - there is nothing to show for the weekend because Saturday's attempt at a straight skirt muslin didn't fit and my fitting books don't tell me how to fix it. Still more of those same dimples that the houndstooth had right above the thighs. ARG!!


  1. Oh, I love the 2 bottom skirts!! SO cute.

    I wish I knew on the pencil skirt. I want to say, yes you can definitely wear them because the top skirt is cute too (it does look a little too big). Have you tried it in a stretch woven, so you could (in theory) make it a little tighter and that might prevent those pesky dimples? I don't have a clue how to fix them though!

  2. You know me I'm gonna be straight with you. You are wearing it wrong...the proportions are off. Since when have you seen me wear a pencil skirt with a blouse tucked in? Try it with a black cardigan and a white cami over top, not tucked into the skirt. Take a picture and you'll see the difference...cause if I CAN wear a pencil skirt so can you!

    Call me when you're done...okay I meant that figuratively but seriously take the picture the way I suggest and post it side by side to the other one and you will see a vast difference!!

  3. I don't wear pencil skirts, because I'm afraid I'll end up looking like I have a huge gut on me. So I wear an a-line skirt, or else I use the same 6 gore pattern you do. I like Carolyn's suggestion of the cami and cardi. I used to wear pencil skirts with a longish double breasted blazer, when I went to the office all the time. Actually, if you wear a dark blazer, you can wear brightly colored skirts, and they look good! I really love your colorful 6 gore skirts.

  4. a circle skirt is a girl with hips' best kept secret

    they look so good on you, i wouldn't complain

  5. I always have to take in the waist when I make any pencil skirt pattern if it is to fit my hips AND my waist. I figure out how much I need to take in to fit my waist and then divide out for equal seam allowances. Usually the taper is more on the side seams than the front or back. I don't worry about pegging the bottom of the skirt because taking in the waist is a reverse sort of pegging.

    I used to have to do this when sewing for my mother and still do when sewing for my daughter. My daughter LOVES pencil skirts and she is very curvy! She needs a custom fit every time.

    I agree with Carolyn on the styling. Good luck! You will get there.

  6. A pencil skirt and me are not the best of friends. I love how they look but just not on me. I gave up years ago trying to fnd one to ft or even trying to make one to fit. I am also blessed with the same figure as you as I think a lot of us are. Love the last skirt by the way, ity looks wonderful. Have a wonderful soggy day!

  7. I don't sew and have trouble enough dressing myself, but luckily, you seem to know a lot of other people with good ideas and advice...

  8. I stay away from pencil skirts and go with something more flowy... I LOVE the bottom 2 photos and those skirts that you're wearing. They look great on you!

  9. If you like them, go for it with no apologies about how someone else might think they might wear their clothes if they were you and not them. Which they're not. Show'em how it's really done!

    (Me, I wear mine long and flared regardless of present or future stylishness because I have no sense of balance and if I'm going to fall over, I need room to fall over in!)

  10. Here's what I would do. Go shopping, try on skirts till you find one that fits just the way you want. Buy it and use it as a pattern to make your own.

  11. Carolyns advice is right-on! No surprise there, right? I love the skirt, and the looks of it, but think the tucked in shirt is not right for it. try her suggestion, please! I do not want to see you chuck that skirt, it is CUTE!

  12. I won't be any help - I haven't made any pencil skirts, mostly a-line for ease of movement in the office. The pencil skirt 'does' see to have a more professional look, I agree - I'd try Carolyn's suggestions.


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