August 7, 2023

Testing 1 - 2 - 3

 There is just something about testing. I don't know what it is, but I feel like one of the cool kids when I'm selected. Since first seeing the Collage Gather Top I have been intrigued by the Matchy Matchy Sewing Club. I also really like the Peplum Split Tank. So, when they sent out a testing call, I applied.

Remember when I said I loved gingham? Not lying. I bought way too much of each of these fabrics at a yard each to make a sample of the Skipper Top. I photographed my fabrics in the different locations on the top and ended up with this:

For my version, I made the top to wear with denim shorts. This is the summer that I don't care that my legs are ugly - they are good legs!
This was a very easy sew, once I figured out which fabric went where. The hardest part (for me) was putting the PDF together.

I think, all in all, I spent maybe 4 hours on this little top. I made View A and used the gathered front piece for Views B&C

As you can see, I used all red & white fabrics, a 1/4" gingham, a window pane plaid and a larger red & white plaid.

If I were to make it again, and honestly, I don't know that I will, I would add length to the front as a mock full bust adjustment. I realize the top is cropped, but it feels just a bit too cropped for me.

Also - I had to take these pictures by myself.  But hey - at least I'm still documenting my sewing - right?!


  1. They ARE good legs! :-) Cute top! If you feel it's too cropped, maybe a ruffle at the bottom? But it looks just fine from my perch.

  2. Legs are great and come in all shapes and sizes. The top is so cute! Well done.


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