February 29, 2012


I volunteered to make 12 quilt blocks for Nancy's Quilts of Valor challenge.
I am not a quilter.  Putting different fabrics together really stresses me.
So what do I do?  Rather than using just a few red, white and blue fabrics?
I make charm blocks using 36 different fabrics.
Some of them don't belong - but I think they look okay.

11 of the blocks have a white rectangle that is 3 blocks long.
I will embroider a word on that white block to represent thanks to the wounded soldier.
What would you say with one word?


  1. Wow, your blocks are beautiful. I love the variety of fabrics.

    Coming up with one word is difficult, but I like "Honor."

    Thank you so much for making these blocks for a Quilt of Valor.

  2. I don't know on the the word. I'm too verbose!

    Love the blocks. What a fabulous project. It's awesome.

  3. I like the '...ful' words - thankful, grateful.

    Very nice quilt!

  4. "honor"

    That's the best I have. I'm sure your blocks will be much appreciated.

  5. "Thank you" would be my top choice. It's very nice of you to do that.


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