
New Dogs

No, I didn't get any new puppies - sillies!
I just finally took some new pictures of the ones I have.

Beauregard James - he was quite upset with me.  He wanted to get up and I wanted him to stay.
He loves this bed that's in the bay window and will often stare Lucy down until she moves.

Lucy's favorite bed is the tiny little fleece crate pad that I made.   It's half her size.
But she curls up on it.  She was waggling her eyebrows at me - waiting for me to be done taking pics.
And finally - Abigail Jane.  I joked that this year when I brushed her - I brushed all the red right out of her.
Doesn't she look like a fat baby seal?  Poor old girl.

Happy Dogs on Thursday!

Let's Go Back

Last month - we took a mini - vacation to Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands.

On Friday, our first day in town, we stopped by the Krystal Acres Alpaca Farm.  The weather was beautiful and the animals were all out running and playing. 

Even though I had already purchased some locally dyed yarn in town.  I bought two lovely hanks of undyed alpaca that's just a wee bit heavier than fingering weight.  This yarn was donated by the very nice Sweet Alyssum and her picture hangs from the yarn.  JB has requested socks.

On Saturday we went past a lovely farm with a sign saying they had sheep.  However, on Saturday we were on a mission and I didn't want to stop. 

When we happened upon the same farm on Sunday - I told JB to pull in.  First the grounds are lovely.  Second - he had two border collies who brought me soccer balls - so I was very happy just playing with the dogs.

Finally - the gentleman who owns the farm heard us (he was quite elderly) and came out, opening up the small retail operation.  They do some dying on site, sell some handmade goods, have the rare sheepskin rug - and undyed yarn as well as fiber.  I went for a small hank of fingering weight undyed fiber.  Although both JB and the owner tryed to talk me into buying an entire sheep's worth of unspin fleece.  Ever since seeing this post by the Yarn Harlot I have been toying with the idea of spinning.  But I still maintain that two expensive hobbies (knitting and sewing) is enough and I don't need to add another. 

In other news - there has been sewing - a fair bit of it.  I just haven't had photos taken.  Soon, I promise. 

utilitarian sewing

Do you do it? I hate it. Hate!
I'm happy to make something from new flat fabric.
But - need a dress altered? Pants hemmed?
Take them to the dry cleaners, please.

JB had 3 relatively new pairs of jeans.
They were too long.  Enough too long that he was folding them up.
So - since I was Father's Day I finally hemmed them.
I really wanted to finish the dress I've been working on.

I don't even have proper Jeans thread.
He won't care, he's just happy to have pants that aren't too long.
So - do you do utilitarian sewing?


Once again I was suckered in by a pretty picture on the pattern envelope.  I also saw a fabulous sample of this dress in Fabric Depot when I was there in March.  I had to have it!  I had to make it! 

The dress is Monique from Sew Serendipity.  I adore the way Kay Whitt combines fabrics into a single garment.  I love the silhouettes she uses.

I will say - this dress is just a smidge too large for me through the bodice and the fabric I used is too heavy for the style.  I used an Amy Butler print that was in the cupboard.  I didn't have a coordinating print to break it up - but it was a muslin. I am hoping it will soften up with washing. 

I am thrilled with the pattern alterations I made to this - I lowered the bust dart by an inch.  I also moved the dart from the waist to the bust toward the side by about half an inch.  With the exception of being just a smidge too large - the fit of the bodice is perfect.

Rather than using the facings - I used bias tape on the neckline and armholes.  I turned the bias tape to the inside leaving it to just peak out at the edges - like piping. 

Verdict - I will make it once more in a thinner, more drapy cotton before I decide. 

Same Ol' Same Ol'

What is that old Orville Reddenbacher saying?   Something about finding something you're good at and doing it over and over?

Don't know what I was doing with my face or my hair, but these were taken late last night.  I had worn the outfit all day and am looking wrinkled.  But that's okay.

The skirt fabric is a printed linen blend.  The pattern is Simplicity 2475 which I have made several times since working through the fitting. 

This version has absolutely nothing interesting about it - except the fabric.  I did use bias tape to finish the lower edge of the facing and the hem.  And I stitched them down with a decorative stitch from my machine.  But - since I was wearing it you don't get pictures.

There is no kick pleats, vents, or anything else to add walking ease, but you know what?  I don't really need it. 

My shoes?  Adorable dr. scholl's.  I now want a handbag this color.  There are a little bit tight around my right litte toe, but the more I wear them the more comfortable they get. 

And in the interest of full disclosure - I'll share the back view JB decided was necessary as I went back in the house.  UGH.  Just when I start feel like I'm looking good.....

Parting Shot:  Poppies.  JB took this photo while we were on Friday Harbor.

Wee Tiny Shawl

I have a love / hate relationship with mystery projects. There are certain designers that I love and trust to produce a prodect that I know I will enjoy. Wendy Knits is one of them. So when I came across her mystery shawl (and honestly I don't even remember where I first saw it - maybe on her tweets?) I immediately cast on and started.

Even with a vacation in the middle of all that - I kept up on the clues.  The knitting was easy, the charts are fabulous, there are also line - by - line instructions in case you get lost.

If I were to knit this again (and I just might) I would increase the charts and use just a slightly thinner sock weight yarn.  And make it pink.  I wanted pink this time, but I couldn't find the yarn I knew I had - maybe it already became socks?  Anyway - this time? 

Yarn:  Forever from Miss Babs, this is the "payment" hank from test knitting Maryanne for IrishGirlieKnits.

Needles:  Addi Lace US 5s, circular.


Nope - Alpacas!
From our trip to the Alpaca Farm in Friday Harbor.
I don't have any new photos of the dogs.
Plus - these guys are just taller dogs.

Yarn Tour Continued

So between Wild Fibers and Beach Basket Yarns we went to more yarn shops - imagine, on a tour of local yarn shops, where else would you go?

So - First stop on today's recap - Knot Just Yarn.   This was a tiny little shop in Burlington with some of the best customer service ever.  The Musical One found yarn to knit a skirt.  They had no quite enough of the same dye lot.  So, first they called the distributor to see if they still had the same dye lot, while she was waiting for them to call back, the owner called the next 2 shops we were going to checking with them for the remainder of the dye lot she needed.  Yarn was found and purchased and they even threw in a free pattern that I had admired that another girl in the shop was knitting.  Sad that great customer service like that is so hard to find.

I bought a tank pattern and a hank of some pink and cream Dream in Color Classy that destined to become a Christmas present.
 After leaving Knot Just Yarn, we drove up the road to NW Handspun Yarns.  This was another amazing shop.  They had tons of fabulous roving, wheels and drop spindles.  (More and more I'm thinking of spinning - sssshhhh - don't say a word.)  When I go on these road trips - I'm looking for 2 things, first a great time with the girls, second yarns and fibers that I can't get at my home LYS.  Like this pretty little hank of Vashon sock made by Rain City Fiber Arts which is merino and silk.  It might not become socks. 

I also bought a 170 gram ball of Kauni yarn in shades of purple and grey.  This would bought specifically with a shawl pattern in mind.  When we last visited KAM, she took me to her LYS and I bought a beautiful pattern for a similar shawl (to the link).  However, the women there were so rude I refused to buy yarn from them and I've been on the lookout ever since.  This sang to me - told me what it wanted to be and begged to come home with me - seriously.  How could I refuse?

Next - we stopped by Boundary Bay where we had a fabulous lunch.  Seriously good food and local beer. 

Our last stop on the tour was still in Bellingham - which really is a charming city - at Apple Yarns.  Miss D bought me this beautiful hank of Huckleberry Knits - McIntosh which was a special color way specifically for Apple yarns. 

I love it.  This will definately become a pair of socks - possibly another pair of cottys. 

Hope you all enjoyed coming along on the tour.  If you ever want to come for a visit - I've kept the map, we can go to some of the shops we missed.