
Yarn Tour Continued

So between Wild Fibers and Beach Basket Yarns we went to more yarn shops - imagine, on a tour of local yarn shops, where else would you go?

So - First stop on today's recap - Knot Just Yarn.   This was a tiny little shop in Burlington with some of the best customer service ever.  The Musical One found yarn to knit a skirt.  They had no quite enough of the same dye lot.  So, first they called the distributor to see if they still had the same dye lot, while she was waiting for them to call back, the owner called the next 2 shops we were going to checking with them for the remainder of the dye lot she needed.  Yarn was found and purchased and they even threw in a free pattern that I had admired that another girl in the shop was knitting.  Sad that great customer service like that is so hard to find.

I bought a tank pattern and a hank of some pink and cream Dream in Color Classy that destined to become a Christmas present.
 After leaving Knot Just Yarn, we drove up the road to NW Handspun Yarns.  This was another amazing shop.  They had tons of fabulous roving, wheels and drop spindles.  (More and more I'm thinking of spinning - sssshhhh - don't say a word.)  When I go on these road trips - I'm looking for 2 things, first a great time with the girls, second yarns and fibers that I can't get at my home LYS.  Like this pretty little hank of Vashon sock made by Rain City Fiber Arts which is merino and silk.  It might not become socks. 

I also bought a 170 gram ball of Kauni yarn in shades of purple and grey.  This would bought specifically with a shawl pattern in mind.  When we last visited KAM, she took me to her LYS and I bought a beautiful pattern for a similar shawl (to the link).  However, the women there were so rude I refused to buy yarn from them and I've been on the lookout ever since.  This sang to me - told me what it wanted to be and begged to come home with me - seriously.  How could I refuse?

Next - we stopped by Boundary Bay where we had a fabulous lunch.  Seriously good food and local beer. 

Our last stop on the tour was still in Bellingham - which really is a charming city - at Apple Yarns.  Miss D bought me this beautiful hank of Huckleberry Knits - McIntosh which was a special color way specifically for Apple yarns. 

I love it.  This will definately become a pair of socks - possibly another pair of cottys. 

Hope you all enjoyed coming along on the tour.  If you ever want to come for a visit - I've kept the map, we can go to some of the shops we missed. 


  1. I love that shawl. It looks like fun to make, you won't get bored half way thru.

    You have lots of fun yarn to play with now so I know what you'll be doing all summer.

  2. I'm pretty sure I have that pattern. You have great taste in yarns!

  3. Enjoyed the tour de yarn.

    Spinning??? Did I hear you correctly?? ssshhhhh.....mum's the word over here ;)

  4. What an awesome way to spend the day!!!! I'm so jealous - LOL

    Love your stash enhancement ~ especially that last number in the apple colorway!

  5. That yarn will look fabulous with that kind of shawl. : )

  6. Gorgeous yarns! So glad you had a good time!

  7. It looks like you had a wonderful tour. I love those colors! The brown lace weight in your previous post would make a nice shawl or cowl. I think I see a little pink in it - it would be great with a pink tee. Of course, I don't know if that's appropriate for that weight yarn! Anyway, it's nice that you had a good time.

  8. I know squat about knitting, but I do know I would love something knit from that purple/gray!


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