
May I Introduce You?

 Last year I set up my first 'brown bag sock club'.  I actually pulled all 12 brown bags in a timely manner and knit up each hank into socks.  Well, technically, that's not completely true - the 12th paid is still in progress, but it's more than half done as it's toe up and I turned the heel.

But I digress - on January 1st, I pulled out my sock stash and picked 12 different hanks of yarn.  I wound them all into cakes of sock yarn and the big ones I divided into 2 cakes of equal weight.  I already know which pattern some of them want to be - like the orange at the back - pumpkin socks, and the green on the right of that?  Leaves.  The white in front?  Snowflake socks.

But I'll wait and some of them will tell me as I work on them.  Apparently, I have very strong yarn favorites - I pulled 2 hanks of Koigu, 2 pagewood farms and 2 trekking.  The remaining 6 are all from independent dyers.

Right now the plan is that all 12 pair will be for me.  That's always subject to change.  You may notice that in the second photo there are 4 extra yarns in there.  Those are the 4 yarns for the 2011 Christmas socks for the family.  Can't tell you who's is whose, but you'll see eventually!

I've already deemed 2011 the year of the cardigan, but I will keep knitting socks as my commuting project - because cardis get too big too quick and I love knitting socks.  I should be able to knit 24-26 pairs of socks in 2011.  It takes me about 2 weeks to knit a pair of socks depending on how complicated they are.  So - that's the plan.  I have enough yarn in the house to knit 8 cardigans already - so 8 cardis and 24 pairs of socks, maybe a shawl or two thrown in. 


  1. I'm feeling the urge to knit, but my supplies are so disorganized right now, that I need to take care of that first. The new Kindle is taking up a lot of my time, too. I'm sure the novelty will wear off and I can get back to other things in the evenings.

  2. I'm sooooooo jealous! I love the socks you gave me and the fact that you can knit another 24 pair just makes me pea green with envy!

  3. Looks like you've got some great choices coming up!

  4. Mmmm, that yarn looks yummy! One of these days I'm going to figure out how to knit socks.

  5. First, congrats on finishing last year's sock club! This year's line-up looks pretty good too. I need to do this, but I'm thinking of trying for 6 pair this year, as in one every other month. If I start a sweater it usually sucks up all my knitting time for a while. I'm not a Speedy Gonzales like you!

  6. Such a pretty pile of yarn cakes :-)

    24 pairs ? in 1 year ?! oy !!! A patterned pair takes me 6 weeks LOL.

    I followed your brown bag progress last year and thought it was a great idea. No yarn stash at the time though, so not for me. BUT - this year I have a bit of a stash and might do the brown bag - make each pair a surprise instead of a plan.

  7. nice colors. Setting them up in advance so you have a plan is a great idea. And I'm with Carolyn in the jealousy over your handmade socks! The ones you made me see a lot of TV watching, and sleeping time on cold nights (perpetual cold feet here).

    This and the new studio are great starts for what I hope will be a very happy new year for you!

  8. I'm not ready to discuss how few socks I knitted last year. I need more this year, but it won't take much at all to knit more socks than I did last year!

  9. Love the pile of neatly caked yarn. Just makes me happy to look at it. : )

    Can't wait to see what they all grow up to be!

  10. Great eye-candy.
    WOW! I'm impressed. 24 pairs of socks to come. Can't wait to see what you knit.
    *sigh* I won't even mention how few socks I finished in 2010. But 2011 is a new year;).

  11. When I first read this, I didn't have time to finish it and I thought that a pair of socks a month was rather heroic, with all of the other projects you do, but WOW!! I am amazed that you will knit 24-26 pairs in the next year. I know that's doable because I can knit a pair a week, if that's the only project I'm working on, but I only have aspirations to knit 12 pair this year and I'm almost finished with the first pair now. I find that the closer it is to Christmas, the faster I knit!! And I usually don't knit in the Summer since it's hot and humid here.


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