
What's In a Name?

Every body's doing it - it started with Sue (who saw it somewhere else) and then I saw that Golden Tracks had done it and I'm sure that Channon, Nicole, and Marjie will all do it before Dogs on Thursday is over. What is is you ask? Explaining how your dog got his/her name and what nicknames they have. First up - Dudley. When we first got him, his name was Hamilton - but that didn't really fit him. We tried out a few names trying to see what would fit him. JB finally decided to go with his favorite actor and his favorite film - that would be Dudley Moore in Arthur. So - Dudley Arthur he is. He also gets called Eeyore - as he will sit in a corner and not look at you. He is very very patient and very shy. He doesn't like kids - but will tolerate them. He's the sheriff around here. After JB and I had been married a few years, I thought it might be nice to have a baby. He said no and we got Abigail Jane. It was the name I wanted to give a little girl. She has exactly the same personality as our 2-legged child The Princess. She gets called - Abby, Boo, Princess, Doodle Bug, and occasionally by the 2-legged child's name.
Our next dog was Beauregard James. JB had wanted a bloodhound and I resisted for years due to the short life span. There is a woman semi-locally who had been breeding the cr*p out of her female bloodhound. It's shameful really. Anyway - Beau was the runt and a liver.
We knew he was coming home with us and we knew what his name would be. By the way - I just love his lines in this photo.
His nicknames are Beau, Goober Boy, Stoner, Dufus Boy and Proper Dog!
Finally we have Lucy. Her name is Lucy - not Lucile and not any other variations. When we brought her home she was absolutely beautiful and there was no way we could leave her in the horrible conditions they were being bred in. She's what's known as a DunnRed and her face is all the same color. When she was a wee pup - her nose and eyes were the same color as her fur - strawberry blond. She is named for the fabulous Lucile Ball as "I love Lucy!"
She gets called, Lucy, LucyLou, Lucifur, Lulabella, "ThisWayLu" and Lu. She is a gem who will always be under you feet trying to help.


  1. They're all beautiful dogs, with fitting names. I'm probably going to wait a week to do this, as Gretchen surprised me with QUITE a wish list. I'm sure Sissy put her up to it...

  2. Are Beau and Lucy litter mates? They are both beautiful.

    How can you stand looking at all those sad hound dog eyes all the time?

  3. What a bunch of cuties!

    I had to laugh at the first picture (of Dudley). I am well acquainted with that particular dog expression. It appears to be the "I'm very spoiled, so give me what I want" howl!

  4. Our first mastiff came from a breeder with a teenager named Dudley. It's a funny name, and he too was a patient, nice boy. I forgot to play the name game. I'll have to do it next week.

  5. Hahahahah, we also call Sampson Eeore because even if using the gentlest voice and tell him 'no' down goes his head, his tail drags, and his eyes look up at you like you killed him or something. I swear all he needs is the bow!

  6. I didn't think i could love Dudley more, but now that i know his middle name is ARTHUR, i love him just a wee bit more! Too cute!
    And Beau...he is SUCH a stoner! Love it!!

  7. Loved the pictures and the stories, G!

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love the stories about how the puppies got their names. They really do fill our lives don't they?

  9. i love all your hounds! and i love this idea...i might just have to do it on my bloggidty blog..since i'm trying to get back to it again.


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