
Can You Explain It?

Because honestly, I can not.

Big Bear is one of Beau's favorite toys. The other is a beloved hedgie.
for some reason, he has started taking them out in the yard while he digs a hole.
I couldn't get a photo of him putting big bear into the hole to check and see if the size was right,
but he did.
Then he brings his toy back in and does it all over again.

Why?  Why is he trying to bury his favorite toys?


  1. He is hiding them from someone???

  2. Fred only did that once - it was a little stuffed bear that he had from when he was young, he tried to burry it but he wasnt the greatest at digging holes, I sat there in awe and watched him cover it with dirt. He is the only day ive ever owned to do that. He loved to bury his toys in towels and blankies though.

  3. Since she was a tiny puppy, whenever our Pointer gets a new toy, she takes them all around the yard. We've decided she is showing them where they live and play.
    If he's not actually burying them, perhaps your dog is showing his friends how well he can dig holes?

  4. From the time our Pointer was a tiny baby dog, she would take each and every new toy out to the yard, run around the perimeter and then bring it back in. We decided she was showing them their new home.
    Perhaps your dog is showing his babies how well he can dig holes? If he doesn't actually bury them, seems like he's just allowing them to see his talents?

  5. I have no idea - but it sure makes me smile!

  6. Bailey digs holes and hides the other dog's toys, especially Sky's ball. She's never hidden her own toy.

    We did have a Saint Bernard once that buried her toys and dog biscuits. She'd dig them up later and enjoy them.

  7. Maybe he's trying to teach Bear and Hedgie how to dig holes. At least he's bringing them back inside!

  8. Cute ! Alex buries her chew bones in her blanket but she hasn't ever dug a hole outside. If she did, she'd probably be as likely to hide Skippy's toys rather than her own LOL

  9. Someone else's dogs were just doing this...another knit blogger...must remember? Was it chan? Was it Katherine from COmortzone?

  10. Sweet boy. I thought you'd decided it was doing it to protect the toy(s) from Lucy-fur?

  11. For a few weeks I've been asking other dog lovers why Macy has started taking her toys outside and then bringing them back in. Maybe she is thinking about burying them. She hasn't dug any holes yet but that could be next.

  12. Hrm....I'd think he was trying to hide it, but why wouldn't he leave it and cover it up?


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