
Dress #2

Last weekend, I managed to finish not 1, but 2 dresses.  It honestly takes me for-freakin-ever to get anything finished.  The last dress took me almost the entire month of June.  This one took 2 weekends.  I don't sew during the week - I work, cook dinner, walk dogs and knit.

This is the second version of the Monique Dress.  This version is fully lined and made from a much, much softer cotton than the first version.

I lengthened the front bodice this time so the waist band is level all around.  The lining has an a-line skirt rather than the full, gathered skirt.

Again - I used just one fabric but I do have several 2 fabric versions all ready to go on the cutting table.  However, to "spice" it up a bit I added rick rack to the waist band seams. 
I can see from the photos that this still isn't perfect. There are some strange wrinkles above the bust, but you know what? It's good enough.  Does that make me a horrible garment maker?  I don't think so.  It's much, much better than anything I could buy in ready to wear.  The waistband fits snugly and the skirt floats and skims my belly and hips.  It doesn't catch on my rear. 

Even lined - it was light and comfortable to wear on one of the first hot days we've had in Seattle.  Next up:  I have the white denim button front skirt cut - but that's as far as I managed to get this weekend.  I was completely unmotivated to do anything.  Actually, I think I was fighting off a Summer cold.  Now it's back to the work week. 


  1. I love the second picture of you wearing the dress. You can see the fit of the dress on you so much better in that view. This is a very well fitted dress and I can see how you can play with fabric and trim to make it look different. I think you did a great job and shouldn't beat yourself up about it!

  2. Great dress! I love the fabric you used and the colors are so cheerful.

  3. I love it!! You look sassy and happy in it.

  4. LOVE this dress! The rick rac is a perfect touch. You look so good in this!!!

  5. Love that second photo - you look adorable!

  6. I like that dress a lot. The style and color are good on you. I hear your weather has been cool. I wish I could send some of this heat to you. It's 102 today heading toward 109.

  7. I like that dress. The colors are great on you, and the rick rack is a very nice touch. I have 2 dresses cut out, and maybe I'll get them done next weekend. I don't sew during the week, either, because life goes on, and everyone else has to be fed and so forth.

  8. Too cute! That goes for both you and the dress...:-)

  9. Love this version and love the sassy picture! I haven't made my Monique yet...I did finish 1 shirtdress and have tons cut out to that Tom is off working on the shop and the deer have decimated my garden I should have time to accomplish something!

  10. Wow!! Your closet must be overflowing!! I love the dress - looks so cool and comfy. I don't think I could ever make garments again - the last time I tried - I laughed and threw it in the trash and never looked back!!

  11. Love the dress. :) You look great!

  12. LOL You look like you're having fun in that second picture. :) Love the dress. I really wish we lived closer so you could give me some hands on instruction.

  13. Oh my G, you are a talented woman! Love this dress, and you look awesome in it. Love that pic of you ruffling up your hair. I remember the first time i met you, and you were wearing this cute little T, and i said "did you make that?!", and you said "why, does it look homemade??!!" LOL!! I remember just being in awe at your talent, it seriously was a CUTE little T.
    ~Jess, aka Veedogknitter who is not knitting much these days, or blogging for that matter, LOL!

  14. LOVE that fabric! And look at you, shaken what you're bakin'! Be happy - you deserve it!


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