
Muslinging - Part 2

So what I found out from the flat pattern measurements was that I actually needed to cut an 16 in the front and an 18 in the back.  I also used the curvy back pieces.  That worked pretty good except I still need a tiny bit more room through the hips. 

So - for musling #2, I retraced - it was easier. I went back to the original, traced the front princess seams as the 16 and the side seams a 16 from the waist to a 20 - 11 inches down from the top. 

For the back, after taking in huge seams on the princess seams - 3/8" on both seams from the top to 6" down.  And adjusting the back yoke.  I made the same alteration to the back side seams - going from the 18 to the 20.  I also took 5/8" out at the top of the back pieces grading out to nothing by the seams - to account for sway back.  I need to transfer that to the pattern tissue.  I also need to transfer the new side seams to the tissue. 

But hopefully soon, I'll have a skirt I can wear out of the house. 


  1. I just found your blog, and I wanted to add to the general cheerleading. You are almost there!! You can do it!

  2. Wow...can you make my skirts for me, please? I think we're built alike: smaller waist, wider hips?

  3. I haven't yet made a different size for front/back and oh, that reads like a lot of changes and a lot of numbers ! Good for you.

    By the way - I think you're proving me right - I think a pencil skirt is going to look great on you:-)

  4. Yea, you're on the right track. I know you can figure this out.

  5. I wouldn't have thought of using one size for the front and another for the back. But at least you've gotten the size issues worked out. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!

  6. I think this is most definitely why my sewing clothing was short lasted. I simply don't have the patience you do.

  7. I think this is most definitely why my sewing clothing was short lasted. I simply don't have the patience you do.

  8. I don't think I'll be sewing clothes, if ever I learn to sew. I didn't understand much of that at all...

  9. Oooo, see? You got exactly the same results flat pattern measuring that I got. I finally managed to find a pair of jeans that I liked the fit of... measured front and back and voila! Front of corresponding skirt pattern was two sizes smaller than the corresponding skirt pattern back-- according to my jeans. Which in retrospect totally makes sense. Baby got back.

    Hmmph. Now I have Sir Mix-A-Lot stuck in my head... "I. Like. Big. BUTTS- and I cannot lie... You other brothers can't deny--"

    EVerybody sing!


    (PS keep up the good work!)

  10. Gay - my front skirt pieces are always cut larger than my back skirt pieces so you are definitely onto something here!

  11. That would be "muslin" and "muslining," would it?

  12. Annon - you are very correct. The proper word is Muslin and Muslining - however it was a joke with some friends. I'm sure they got it. Thanks for correcting me :) g


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