
Shop's Open

Ready to Ship

I've finally joined the ranks of those peddling their wares on etsy.
These are little project bags for packing your knitting along.
The design is based off knitted dumpling bags - so I call them "sock dumplin's".
They are easier to fit than clothing!


  1. What a happy store in a basket! I'm so proud of you and I hope you don't resent the pressure some of us have applied...

    If ever you need a testimonial, let me know. Or ask Gretchen.

  2. I checked out your little store last night. Congratulations and I hope you become rich and famous.

  3. The basket full of dumplings is so pretty! Hooray for you; I'm so proud that you've gotten it done!

  4. Wonderful!! I'm so glad that you've got it up & running. Way to go G! :)
    I love your bags, really nice!!


I appreciate you coming to see me. It may take me a bit to publish your comment - but I will get to them by the end of every day. If you leave a way for me to get back to you, I will. Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your opinions. g