
Can a Girl Get a Break?

So, I've been really frustrated with my inability to make wearable garments that don't scream - made by loving hands at home - lately. Needing a mark in the win column I decided to grab my Mexico fabric and whip out my all time favorite kwik sew 3337. I have made this skirt a million times. It just fits and always looks good - funky yes, but that's usually the look I'm after.
Can you see it? Can you see what I did? Not a win!
This skirt is made from 3 pieces - each cut once from a double layer of fabric. I cut the front on the fold taking some of the fullness out.
In my "I know what I'm doing" mode I cut one front, 2 backs, and 4 side panels. I then serged all the seams - this fabric ravels! inserted the invisible zipper in the back seam and sewed all the seams together. And then I looked at it - and thought I just f*ed this up. But then I looked again, and I thought it's not too big, I can still make it work. Um - not so much. Apparently, I'm not as big as I think I am. So - this weekend the plan is to remove the 2 extra side panels and finish the baby up.
Now that I'm thinking about it - I can't remember if I left scraps around for the waistband.


  1. The print is lovely. Good luck on taking the side panels out, at least that might give you what you need to piece together a waist band. :) It is always comforting to find out you are smaller than you thought!

  2. Love the fabric, and yay for not being as big as you think you are...

  3. Oh no!! (she says, stifling a giggle!) But hey, it's better than making it too small instead. At least this should be a fairly easy save, even if it's frustrating. It's always nice to have to take something IN - no matter what the reason. :-)

  4. Okay so I have these issues sometimes too...just take a deep breathe and remove the panels on Saturday. Always remember better too big than too small because too big can always be fixed!

    You'll get it right!

  5. on the bright side...gorgeous print! :D

  6. Hooray! You're too skinny for your skirt! Betcha didn't think of it that way, did ya?

    Anyway, when you don't have scraps for a waistband, do what I do when I've been stooopid, and make a facing from plain white cotton. No one will ever know the difference!

  7. I love the style of the skirt and the cute top to match. The print if your fabric is gorgeous!

    I agree with the others ~ better too big than too small :)

  8. ugh. i hate it when that happens. hopefully you can salvage it because the fabric is pretty

  9. It will be worth the effort! Love the fabric print you are using - perfect for Summer picnics!!!

  10. You need to take a deep breath, do some calming exercises and tackle it when you're well rested. You seem to be in mindset these days that you can't get it right. Get rid of that, you know you can do it, you've done it before.

  11. Love the fabric. Isn't good to know you're not as big as you thought? :)
    Good luck on the project this weekend.

  12. The fabric is great! And it's always good to be smaller than we think we are. :)

  13. Love, love, love the fabric! And as most have already said, always a good thing to have to go down a size! :)

  14. The things we do when in 'I know what I'm doing' mode !

    Cute print though - wait'll you see the print I came home with from the PR Weekend Fabric Swap - the 'normal-thinking' people said tote bag - 'I', on the other hand, think maybe a skirt.

  15. Pretty fabric and double YEAH for not being as "big as you think" :)


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