
I Want This!!

On St. Patrick's Day, Channon posted about her dogs and the wearing of the green. She commented on how Lilly Pulitzer needed to do a Pank and Green line of dog accessories. Well I followed her links (the LP link will take you to the dog accessories) and then checked out the home page. This fabulous white daisy lace dress is on the front page of the women's section. OMG!! Love it. Probably not in white because I would have coffee down my front before I could even get out of the house. But isn't is fantastic? It's also almost $400 - not in my life.
Last weekend I purchased 2 new Simplicity patterns. I've long been wanting a simple sheath dress that I can make into a TNT and manipulate the heck out of ala Carolyn. I got 2648 and 2404. I think 2404 is a better starting point with the higher waist than 2648. But the problem is I don't know where to find the fabric or anything even remotely similar.
Chan very nicely did a google search and after looking through pages of narrow trims, she sent me an email saying when you google "daisy lace" you end up getting fancy underthings! So - any suggestions folks? I really, really want this dress (please don't tell me I'm too old to wear it).s


  1. I'm sorry I'm the first comment, because I'm waiting with baited breath - coffee breath, actually - to see what your talented sewing friends find!

  2. The dresses I liked were only $298.

    I googled novelty lace fabric and got some possibilities. I didn't see the exact fabric, but I didn't spend a whole lot of time looking.

    Your local fabric shop might know where to find it if you show them a picture.

  3. I think 2404 is a better starting point too. I'm sending you some links for different "eyelet" fabrics which is a better place to start your search.

    You can do this you know! :)

  4. "the problem is I don't know where to find the fabric or anything even remotely similar." that's why its $400!!!! its probably fabric made specifically for them. hope you can find something similiar. its beautiful and don't let anyone tell you you are too old to wear it!

  5. I want that dress, too! That means you can't possibly be too old to wear it, because I'm older than you. I'll start the hunt for that fabric, too, and let me know what you come across! I'll try Carolyn's suggestion later, when I have time. (I think I know those fancy underthings. I might have one or 2 of them myself - you have to treat yourself sometimes!)

    Yeah! We have some inspiration!

  6. I am sure I have seen fabric like that somewhere, once. Of course it was probably years ago so no longer available, but I will keep my eyes out for it.

  7. LOL - This dress (link below) caught my eye in the March Burda magazine. It doesn't have the empire waist, but it looks pretty close to the one you linked too.

  8. Beautiful dress. Totally doable. And it will be flattering, I'm sure. No such thing as too old for a classic style.

  9. Wow, that is gorgeous! Great lace too. Be sure to share if you find some!


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