

Coffee Yarn is on the West Coast to visit DTY (in case anyone besides me has ever wondered - Daughter the Younger). Anyway - DTY is a short train ride from me. So CoffeeYarn hopped a train bringing a camera and her overnight bag. I put her up in my very messy guest room. I have been reading her blog for about 15-18 months now and in that time I have never seen a photo of her on her blog. I was a bit concerned that I wouldn't know who I was looking for at the train station, but I arrived before her and sat down to wait and knit. She was wearing a Ravelry t-shirt. Made it pretty easy. We walked back to the car and then go lost on our way to Pike Place Market. A quick call to JB verified what I already knew - I was too far south and west to get there. Eventually we did find the Market and the tea. We even got back to the car to dump stuff and found So Much Yarn, Cost Plus World Market and Weaving Works on our way back to Houndville, USA. While I resisted at So Much Yarn, I did purchase Mo's Bacon Bar and after a quick dinner we snuck it to JB without telling him what it was. Before getting back to the house for dinner - we made one more stop at Weaving Works where I managed to add to my stash as well as get shown some lovely hand-woven dishtowels. The pictures of the pretties? Well first up is CoffeeYarn herself. Then the lovely snack she brought for Beau - it's a lovely handknit dishrag, I've promised not to drape it over the sink. Finally - being modeled by Hank the Heron - hand-dyed variegated coffee yarn. this is going to be so much fun to make into socks :)


  1. Great photos! Hank is a nice model. I'm glad y'all had a nice visit. (And I'm sure your guest room is lovely.)

  2. need the deets on the bacon bar! Was it good, did JB like it? I have been dying to try one...pig usually makes everything taste better, why not chocolate?

  3. I want Hank the Heron. He's look great standing by the fish pond.

    Morgan demands to know more about the bacon bar. She's thinking a trip to the west coast is in order. She didn't know you had bacon out there. I love chocolate and I love bacon, but I'm not too sure about combining the two.

    Say 'Hi' to Coffee Yarn for me and tell her I'll check out her blog. Isn't it fun to make new friends who like the same things you do?

  4. Bacon bar? That sounds...good in a really strange way. :-)

    So glad y'all had a good time together!

  5. Thank you for entering our "Stick out your tongue" contest. We are still working on visiting all of the contestants. We hope to choose a winner by the weekend and get all of the photos posted.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  6. I nearly snorted up my tea when I read that the dishrag was a snack for Beau. Silly boy! Glad you had a nice visit.


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