
Liar, Liar

pants on fire. Me that is. I promised that my next crafty post would be sewing and it's not. I haven't been sewing. What with the current events in my life and the Indiana girls visiting. So what you get is a new finished knitting project. On Tuesday before heading downstairs to meet the gals, I raced downstairs to find sock yarn that didn't need to be wound. This is what I came up with. It KnitPicks Felici in the Fireman Colorway. I started them in the car Tuesday and finished them on Sunday. They are knit toe up, two at a time, magic-looping all the way. 68 stitches on the foot, 1x ribbing over the arch, short row no wrap heel. I decreased 8 stitches after the heel and another 4 before I started the ribbing. He spent the last couple of days finishing the new doors on the back of the house. While you can't really see them in the photo they are now the same deep purple as my front door. And since JB promised not to clean up any paint or stain with his new socks, I let him wear them. Oh and for anyone keeping track - this is pair 15 for the year, 14 from stash yarns and 12 started and finished this year.


  1. holy crap you're fast!
    and you knit quick too. ;)

    sorry we didn't get a chance to hook back up for a photo op. how sad there is no photographic proof of your bloggy meet up!

    email me your address, would ya?

    P.S. hi jb!!

  2. Love the socks, and you ARE a speedy knitter. From what I can see, the doors look great.

  3. I'm impressed with 15 pairs. If that's what's motivating you right now, then go for it! I take whatever inspiration I can find. Glad JB got the doors done; they look good from here.

  4. Those are pretty socks. Are those boo boos on his legs that he's pointing to or paint stains?

  5. We came to visit your pups and we see that you knit sockies too! Our mom is still on her first one! What a slowpoke!
    We saw your beautiful dogs modeling their pretty blue bandanas today!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. What happened to Mr. Jay's knees? Is that yarn made in that stripy way? I like that... does it come in other colors? I can't find the sock yarn I bought... maybe I need to by some of this stripy stuff to add to the to-knit list.. hmmm

    Hope you had a good day :)


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