
Happy Feet?

I think these socks look a bit too big and if I were wearing them, I would rip them and reknit them. There are problems - for example the ribbing around the arch is too close to the ball of JB's foot; the afterthought heel seems to long and pointy to me, but JB says he likes them and they are comfortable. The yarn is Plymouth Happy Feet 90% Superwash Merino and 10% Nylon. Knit on a brand new HiyaHiya labeled as a US0, but in reality it was a US1. I'm a bit irritate about the needle being mislabled. I don't particularly like using 2.25mm needles, I really like the nice tight fabric that using a 2.00mm needle creates. Plus - I've now decided that JB is no longer hand-knit sock worthy. Seriously! When I got home from work on Monday he had been doing home improvement projects, touching up the red paint in the old dining room. I noticed a little dot of red paint on the floor and he cleaned it up with his socks! No - I'm not joking. Seriously not hand-knit sock worthy. Plus, as soon as you put wool socks on in our house - they are covered with fur. Oh - and since I bought this yarn last month it doesn't even count toward the 12 pair goal.


  1. Men!! Rob uses my good designer kitchen towels to dust the tv. He also uses his sock or a shirt to clean something. He always acts surprised when I tell him not to do it, as if he hadn't heard me the first 10,000 times I told him.

  2. Happy Feet yarn is a great name. And of course, less than a week after shoulder surgery, JB is up doing things. I hope you hid his car keys!

  3. They are great looking... you know, you can be less critical of your own knitting... no need for all that ripping you silly gal! :) Its supposed to be fun... and we're not supposed to be "perfect" - hee hee

  4. ARGH! Can we blame it on the painkillers? Maybe he was just a little out of his mind?

    No, because the Knight has done similar things. Not with his handknit socks, but still...

  5. Does he know he has all of us rolling over in shock? Can he hear all the thumps of our jaws hitting the keyboards around the world?

    No more socks for him! (Said in my best Soup Nazi voice)

  6. please tell me he was not wearing hand-knits for his little clean up job?
    i think i sucked all the air out of the room when i read that!

  7. OMG!
    #1 cleaning up anything with handknit socks!
    #2 What the heck is he doing? Home improvement does not fall into the category of rest or physical therapy.


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