
Will I Ever Learn?

So, I have been plugging away on my Koigu socks. They have a little cable up the sides only. The yarn is gifted. Currently I'm working over 80 stitches and they are a little bit big. I'm worried that there won't be enough yarn. So tonight I matched this yellow Koigu to the red and am going to rip them. Start them over - with yellow toes, heels & cuffs. Still continuing the cables up the sides but only increasing to 72 stitches. So, do you think this matches? Do you think I will ever figure out to make a freakin' swatch in the round? Will I ever figure out how far my yarn will go before I'm half-way done? Will I ever decide what I want to do before I've already jumped in? Okay - off to wind up that yellow and rip out the red. Time to start knitting them again. Good thing I'm all about the process.


  1. The colors look good to me. I never swatch. I always just guess and if it doesn't work, I improvise. Don't sweat the small stuff.

  2. Hey, G; you enjoy the knitting, so enjoy it. If it doesn't work out, at least it's yarn and you can start over. No harm done.

  3. The colors look good, and why plan when you can work your way out of it? Or at least, that's my motto!

  4. Socks are swatches, or so I say. I only swatch and block and carry on for sweaters, or very special circumstances. (Like the secret...)

    I see flecks of gold in the current toe, so why wouldn't they work together? And if you like them, who cares what we think!?

  5. Love the Yellow with the red.. I think that the red even has a bit of a golden fleck mixed in it so the yellow tow, heel, and cuff will pull that out. As for the swatch and all that, you're asking the wrong girl!

  6. I don't think I've ever swatched - explains why my knitting is hit or miss, I guess LOL. I love the red & yellow together !

  7. I think the colors look great and the socks will turn out really cute.

  8. process indeed. those colors are all lovely together. have fun with it :)

  9. Those sound like the questions of life and when you figure it out will you please tell us :) btw great color and have fun!!

  10. I agree with everyone else. I never swatch for socks and I've been lucky so far. If I try them on and they feel too big, I usually just go down a needle size instead of ripping out. ;-) Lazy, I know. lol


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