
If You Give a Girl

a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie with her morning coffee, she will eat it.
If you give a girl a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie with her morning coffee, she will eat it. She will then follow it by licorice allsorts - even though she really doesn't like licorice (but she likes these).
If you give a girl a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie with her morning coffee, followed by licorice allsorts, she will then snack the day away eating new Cheez-It Duoz. Then after she has a little after work pampering (fingers and toes) when JB calls and asks if she wants to meet him for dinner - she will go. She will then order her favorite and eat almost all of it.
However, I was good and only drank water and coffee all day. If you give a girl a day old chocolate chip cookie to photograph with her morning coffee for this post - watch out - she'll even eat that too!
2 weeks ago I went back to Weight Watchers. I did really well the first week. Then . . . this morning I will attend the meeting on my way to work (rather than skip - which is my old MO) but I will use a No Weigh pass and get myself back on track. I am better than day old cookies :)


  1. The whole weight thing is tough isn't it. I stopped going to Weight Watcher's after I hit & maintain my goal for 8 weeks. Then I quit smoking, now my 40 lbs are back. I get up every morning and tell myself I will do my Weight Watcher's today, get back on the wagon. Some how though as the day progresses I fall off ... But the not smoking has been good for more than a year now!

  2. The Knight loves the Duos too...

    I just have no willpower these days. None.

  3. Somehow I dropped 3 pounds eating tons of strawberries in the last two weeks. I seriously think I ate a pound of those little red tempters yesterday, when the kids brought in the last batch of the season. But I would rather have a cookie, too. Luckily, I don't like any licorice, including allsorts, although I do love Stella D'Oro's Anisette Sponge (do they even still make those?).

    Tomorrow I'm trying a recipe for a greek meringue-like cookie, and I will review it for you. It won't be as caloric as chocolate chip, but I can't guarantee it to be diet food.....sorry!

  4. Ohhh- I so know how you feel. If I goof up at any point during the day then the rest of the day is downhill from there.

    I keep telling myself to start back to WW but so far I haven't. We have to keep trying because if we don't try then we don't loose. I routing for you.

  5. Remember... it's not the falling off, it's getting *back on* the wagon... that's the key. Good for you for going back in for the weighing.
    And though it may sound odd... good for you for counting up and admitting the day's slips. Better than sweeping it all under the rug!

  6. Back in my single days I would go out for an early dinner with friends. Then sometimes a man I dated would call and ask me out to dinner. Instead of saying I'd already eaten, I'd go and have another dinner. That happened a number of times. Back then I never gained weight. Now I look at food and gain.


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