
A Bit O' Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day. May you all enjoy green beer with good friends.


  1. Washing tons of laundry, collecting all the random bits of stuff to pack, and hoping I'll get a chance to read blogs while we're in transit, though it's looking kinda doubtful. New patts arrived today. Will try and get stuff mailed out to the Best Stuntstitcher Ever next week... and the new Amy fabrics have started to arrive. Yay! I hope your St. Paddy's day was swell! C

  2. What an adorable little guy. Happy St. Patty's day.

  3. I should have had green beer or an Irish coffee when I got home last night!

  4. Happy St pat's. I had a regular beer, and knocked it off the Fred had some too. ;o) He loves him some beer.


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