
Lazy Sunday

Sunday dawned wet, cold, and dreary. Due to that fact, not much got done. I did manage to get JB out of the house for Breakfast - my favorite meal to eat out. The one where I throw all my normal good, healthy eating habits out the window. This past Sunday was no exception - I had biscuits and gravy - Yummy!!! We went to County Village, a very cute little shopping center very near our house, which we always forget about. After eating, because it wasn't raining yet, we did a little shopping and picked up a few free squash from one of the shop owners who grows more food than she can eat. I started Holiday shopping and picked up some stuff for my Knit One,Tea Too swap partner. Who by the way I sent a little package to last week. When I replied to her email, I gave myself away, I'm hoping she's like Cass (scroll down) and didn't go look. Anyway, as soon as we got home, JB started a fire. Crappy photo above. You all know I have big dogs. They are afraid of the fire. They hate the noise it makes - big babies!! I then planted my hiney in the living room with him and knit all afternoon. I worked a few rows on my lace, which has to be done very carefully and with nothing but absolute concentration! I worked on his new toe-up socks, and I worked on the second sock of my new pink pair which you haven't been introduced to yet. Finally, I thought I'd answer some questions - Claire asked what a "spilling spree" was. Quite frankly - it's not very exciting, it's when JB started and couldn't stop spilling stuff, starting with his drink, then my mug of tea (breaking the mug in the process), the next morning it was his coffee cup - with coffee which then knocked over the creamer container. Not very exciting. We didn't let him handle anything after that. Cami asked if I was using the 'widdershins' pattern from Knitty for my toe-ups. Well no, I started with the cast on that Camilla had emailed to me. That was all she gave me for the first pair, after relentless taunting. Thankfully, I had the issue of Interweave with the article on Toe-up socks. So, away I went. I cast on, increased until I had enough stitches and then started k2p2 ribbing over the top of the foot, ss on the bottom. Just after the ball of his foot, I switch to ribbing all around the foot for about 1.5", then I'm just about in the right spot for the short-row heel. Unfortunately, I did not like the look of the short row heel in Interweave. Then I just continued on with k2p2 ribbing up the leg until the sock was long enough. So, now I want to know what short-row heel Miss Shop Owner uses. I need a different one, or else I need to try gusset, heel, and heel flap from the wrong direction. Finally - this last picture is for The Princess (who is actually knitting something - go look - there is photographic proof!!!). On Sunday, because the weather was so ugly, I had a horrible urge for chocolate chip cookies. I don't bake - I make very flat cookies. So I talked JB into making cookies. These are the first cookies he has made since our kitchen remodel was finished (more than a year ago). He puts nuts and coconut into the cookies, they are thick and fluffy and very yummy! The Musical One came over for dinner last night and managed to get a cookie or two, but there won't be any left for The Princess by the time she comes home to visit - but maybe we can talk JB into making another batch while you're home :)


  1. Yummm. You and everyone else I know made chocolate chip cookies this weekend. This must be what Seattleites do when it rains. Comfort food indeed. Me, I like a warm soup, hot stew or chili and cornbread.

  2. Sounds like a very nice Sunday. Ymmm the cookies look good.

  3. Hmmm, your cookies sound like my cookies..flat! JB's sure look yummy!
    A fire would be lovely. New house has no fireplace...arghhh!!

  4. I am incredibly jealous to not have been home for the infamous choco chip cookies!! I still think that if you put some into the air suck only takes 2 days to get things here, or you could over-night them to me and then I could have some good home comforts too!!


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