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Thursday on my way to weight watchers after work, the check engine light came on in my car. It also smelled remarkably hot and icky. So, instead of getting the new separating zipper I needed for the craft project taking up space on my table - I headed home to hand the keys off to JB. You see JB is a mechanic, he's responsible for keeping my car running properly and knew that it hadn't been running right. I was so not a happy wife! Thank goodness we have more than one car. Jumped into another, went to weight watchers where I knit throughout the meeting, picked up a zipper then headed home. Thursday night I unpicked the too short zipper so I didn't have any frogging to do on Friday. Friday dawned with lots of dark rain clouds. Since I had hurt myself lifting weights on Wednesday, I skipped my workout this morning. Hmm - think that could be why my lowest weight has crept up? After spending a good portion of the day doing housework and walking dogs - in the pouring rain, I made it to the sewing room around 2. I finished the bag and got started on the knitting roll. Now that it's finished, I can say that while it will do the job - I don't like it. It's too big. It's too long. It's too bulky. But since I don't have any more of the fabric and it's a gift, I'm sure it will do fine. I have taken picture and loaded them onto the 'puter, but I will refrain from posting them. Friday night JB and I went to Applebee's for dinner. I'm feeling like an old lady lately (at the ripe old age of 42!). Anyway, I took my knitting with me and finished up the back of the periwinkle cotton sweater. Saturday morning, I cast on for the front, had some productive knitting time in the car and got all 48 rows of K2P2 Ribbing done. I am now stockinetting my way up the front. Since drafting the post on Sunday - I have finished the front and both sleeves. Now for the sewing up and finishing parts. Hope everyone has a productive sewing day. This post was drafted on Sunday, June 4th. I actually took photos which are still being held captive on the digital camera. Is blogging without photos any fun?

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