
I'm really doing this!

I've thought about this. But haven't been brave enough to try. I love reading all the sewing blogs and follow a few select knitting blogs - but don't feel funny or secure enough to have my own. But with encouragement from friends - I'm giving it a go. This week I have been feeling blue. Thankfully Kristen posted about the Comforting Jef project and I have been knitting blue squares. It fits my mood, but makes me feel useful at the same time. This week I have completed 3 blue squares. Hope to get a few more done and get them off in the mail by Monday. Today Seattle is playing right into the blue mood, it's raining hard. Time to work on my squares. I'm hoping the rain will let up enough for me to get a dog walk in between work and the ASG meeting tonight. I can work on squares during the meeting.

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